(Minghui.org) I recently read a letter from a practitioner about using incorrect Chinese characters in our Falun Dafa informational materials.
The practitioner wrote, “A Chinese language teacher said that our writing is poor, and our composition is substandard. Practitioners' articles often use the wrong characters, incorrect phrases, or contradictory meanings. Her comments caught my attention, and now I carefully go over informational materials about Falun Dafa and the persecution before I distribute them.”
I feel that we have neglected to polish or improve our writing skills. People in the West traditionally place great importance on style, grammar, composition and spelling. These can be viewed as an immediate reflection of the writer's level of education.
There is a Chinese expression, “The writing mirrors the writer,” meaning that the way the article is written reflects the author's personality and mindset.
I feel that our articles should not contain incorrect information, sugar-coated messages, or exaggerations. Our writing should be truthful, appropriate, and show readers the wonders of Dafa.
In regards to using the wrong Chinese characters, we might not think it's a big deal. Perhaps we feel that we don't have time to make corrections or have more important things to do, thus we don't need to pay attention to this. However, for our readers it reflects our attitude towards them and our level of professionalism.
If we pay attention to everything, both big and small, we are more convincing when we clarify the truth. When our articles are free of mistakes, we are being respectful toward ourselves, the editors, and the readers.
The practitioner's letter also said, “Writing is not difficult and does not require an advanced degree. Then what does it take? First, write down the information, then read it several times. See if what you've written clearly conveys your thoughts, then modify and correct it accordingly, and make sure the message is clear and coherent.”
I hope that practitioners will remember Master's words,
“...he is full of great aspirations while minding minor details” (“Sage” from Essentials For Further Advancement)