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Practitioners in the Education System in China Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday (19 Greetings)

May 10, 2018 |  

(Minghui.org) As World Falun Dafa Day approaches, practitioners who work in China’s education system send their greetings to wish revered Master Li a Happy Birthday and to celebrate the 26th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction.

Many of the practitioners recounted in their greetings how Master Li returned them to health and gave them a new outlook on life. They expressed their deep gratitude to Master for enabling them to become Fa-rectification Dafa disciples. They vowed to be more diligent in cultivation to be worthy of Master’s painstaking salvation.

The well-wishers, who include faculty, students, and staff, hail from the following schools and regions:

Jiamusi University in Heilongjiang ProvinceHigh School Attached to Northeast Normal University in Changchun City, Jilin ProvinceYuehang City of Hunan ProvinceBeijingHeilongjiang ProvinceHunan ProvinceBaoding City, Hebei ProvinceLinquan County, Anhui ProvinceKaijiang County, Sichuan ProvinceLongkou City, Shandong Province