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Developing Compassion for Other Practitioners

February 04, 2018 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A few days ago, I met Ms. Wang [alias], a fellow Falun Dafa practitioner. As we talked, I noticed some of her attachments, but I decided to talk with her later. I suggested we meet again, and she agreed.

On our way home, I began to blame and reprimand her for not cherishing the little time left for Fa-rectification and her apparent lack of urgency in saving sentient beings. Naturally, my negative thoughts about her affected the outcome of our next meeting, and she refused to listen to any of my suggestions.

Compassion Made the Difference

Even though she refused to accept what I said, I felt it was my responsibility to help her, and I racked my brain in search of a better approach. I realized that this was not solely about helping another practitioner recognize her mistakes but also an opportunity to look at myself, especially since I had the same shortcomings.

Master said,

“…when two people have a conflict and a third person sees it, even that third person should think about whether there are any problems on his part—“Why did I happen to see it?” This is all the more so for the two people involved in the conflict. They should examine themselves even more, since they need to cultivate themselves internally.” (Teaching the Fa at the Eastern US Fa Conference)

As soon as I realized this, I began searching within for my own shortcomings and correcting them. I then asked Master for help in maintaining a compassionate and selfless attitude when I talked to her again.

The next time we met, it felt as though we were surrounded by a massive field of positive energy. Our attitude toward each other was warm and cordial, and we had a sincere and pleasant discussion. Ms. Wang talked about her shortcomings and said that she was determined to do better.

Since then, I have not been able to achieve that feeling of sincerely and pure compassion when talking with other practitioners. I later realized that Master arranged that one experience so that I could feel the power of compassion and to encourage me.

Master said,

“Compassion is an enormous energy, the energy of righteous gods. The more compassion that is present, the greater this energy becomes, and it can disintegrate anything that is bad.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference IX)

Cooperating Well and Letting Go of Self

Unfortunately, the practitioners in our region have not done well in terms of treating one another with compassion. In addition to constant disagreements, many insist on doing things their own way and blame others when things go wrong.

The most obvious example is the constant criticism directed at our local coordinators. For example, a fellow practitioner was illegally arrested and sentenced last year. Many practitioners, including myself, were so frustrated at the lack of urgency displayed for rescuing this practitioner and using this opportunity to clarify the facts about Dafa to those involved.

I now realize where we went wrong. The attachments that we refuse to let go, combined with our negative thoughts, may cause unnecessary trouble for the coordinators and practitioners living in that area. It does not matter who is right or wrong; what really matters is each practitioner’s cultivation state. If we honestly examine ourselves and do our best to have compassion for and to cooperate with each other, we will cooperate well.

I resolved not to focus on fellow practitioners' inadequacies but instead to look at myself and identify my own failings. As soon as problems surface, if we all search inward, let go of our egos, and try to accommodate others, our cultivation environment will be compassionate and harmonious.