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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (24 Greetings)

October 02, 2017 |  

(Minghui.org) As the Mid-Autumn festival approaches, thousands of heartfelt greetings to Master Li Hongzhi from around the world pour into the Minghui website.

In this report are a selection of greetings sent by Falun Dafa practitioners from the countryside in China. They all express their deep gratitude for Master Li, wish him a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and vow to cultivate themselves better and let more people know about the beauty of the practice.

These greetings come from:Qingdao City, Weifang City, Laiwu City, Yantai City, and Taian City in Shandong ProvinceHarbin City, Jiamusi City, and Qiqihar City in Heilongjiang ProvinceSuining City and Dazhou City in Sichuan ProvinceHengshui City and Handan City in Hebei ProvinceChangchun City in Jilin Province