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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Various Professions in China Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (31 Greetings)

September 14, 2016 |  

(Minghui.org) With the 2016 Mid-autumn Day just around the corner, Minghui website has received flooding well-wishers from Falun Dafa practitioners around the world, in which the practitioners all extend their highest regards to the founder of the practice and wish him a Happy Mid-autumn Day!

In this report, we present greetings sent from various professions in China. These well-wishers hail from:

Jinan Iron and Steel Group, health system and literary and art system in Jinan, banking system in Taian, medical system in Yantai, gold mining system, and Shengli Oilfield in Shandong Province;Heping Hospital in Shijiazhuang, Textile Systems in Handan, and medical and healthcare system in Hebei Province;Founder Forestry, Daqing Oilfield, and Harbin Railway System in Heilongjiang Province;Supply and marketing cooperatives in Dazhou, Sichuan Province;A state-owed enterprise in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province;Zhongyuan Oilfield in Henan Province;As well as those from the health system, environmental protection system, statistical system, financial system across China.

One practitioner from Shengli Oilfield in Shandong Province said:

“How fortunate my whole family to have encountered and stepped into cultivation practice in Dafa. It is Master’s compassionate caring and protection at all times that helped us walk our cultivation path up to today.

“No words can describe Master’s blessings towards us. We can only cherish the time and cultivate ourselves better, to repay Master’s infinite grace.”

Another practitioner from Handan, Hebei Province also said:

“It’s my honor to be a Falun Dafa disciple. Looking back at the past 21 years in my cultivation, despite all the difficulties and tests, I have never changed my mind to follow Master in my cultivation and fulfill my responsibility as a Dafa disciple. Thank you, Master, for looking over us and protecting us along the way! Thank you, Master, for everything you had done for sentient beings! In the future, we will cultivate ourselves well, let go of our attachments and let more people know the beauty of Dafa!”