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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Australia and New Zealand Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday

May 13, 2016

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Australia and New Zealand celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 24th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public! They respectfully wish revered Master a Happy Birthday!

Greetings to Master Li have been received from three western practitioners from Melbourne, Australia:

One of them wrote, “I will forever be grateful for Falun Dafa has helped in every aspect of life. It has taught me peace and has brought harmony within myself and family life. Nowadays we are so busy with work, running around looking for external pleasures, but Falun Dafa has given me something that no amount of money could buy. Thanks you Master Li Hongzhi for bringing this wonderful practice to the world. Heshi!”

Another western practitioner wrote,

“My Teacher,How can I express how I feel about YOU, my teacher and you coming to this earth as a human person to save us in just a few sentences. What an extraordinary honor to be born in the same historical period with YOU!Happy Birthday, the whole universe is celebrating……Your disciple for eternity!”

A western senior practitioner wrote, “Happy Birthday Master! Thank you for bringing harmony to my family!”

The well-wishers also hail from the following places:

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Western Australia

Practitioner Yulian and her family in Sydney

Three Members of a Practitioner’s Family Spanning Three Generations in New Zealand Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Birthday!

Mother and son in Sydney

A practitioner’s family in Adelaide, Australia

All practitioners in Australia

Practitioners in Sydney, Australia

A practitioner in Sydney

A practitioner’s family in Sydney

Practitioners from Melbourne, Australia

Some Western practitioners from Melbourne

Practitioners in Melbourne, Australia

A married couple in Melbourne

Practitioners at Truth-Clarification Site in a tourist spot in Sydney

A practitioner from Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China who lives in Melbourne

Practitioners in an online-Fa-study Group in Melbourne

Practitioners in Queensland, Australia

Practitioners from Melbourne, Australia respectfully wish Master a happy birthday!