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Families with Multiple Generations of Practitioners Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

December 31, 2016 |  

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa has brought blessings and fortune to hundreds of millions of practitioners and their family members the world over. It is not uncommon for whole families to walk the path of cultivation. As the new year approaches, many big families of practitioners have expressed their gratitude to Master for his compassionate salvation!

A family with 24 practitioners in Weifang City, Shandong Province wrote, “Our family of four generations lives in seven cities in three counties. We cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance together even though we are in different environments. We feel honored and proud to be disciples of revered Master!”

The well-wishers hail from the following regions:

A family of three generations in Dagang District, TianjinA family of 13 members in Jiaozhou City, Shandong ProvinceFive practitioners of four generations in Changping District, BeijingTwenty-four practitioners in a family in Weifang City, Shandong ProvinceA family of five members and three generations in Tangshan City, Hebei ProvinceA family of ten in TianjinA big family in Shengli Oil FieldFourteen practitioners in a big family in Jilin City, Jilin ProvinceA family of four generations in Boli County, Heilongjiang ProvinceA practitioner's family in Tahe County, Daxinganling, HeilongjiangA family of three in Anda City, HeilongjiangEleven practitioners in a big family in Tongnan District, ChongqingA family of 18 in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong ProvinceA family of three generations in Jining, Shandong ProvinceTwo sisters and a brother in a family in Mishan City, HeilongjiangA family of six in Qiqihar City, HeilongjiangA family of nine in TianjinA family of three generations in Guiyang City, Guizhou ProvinceA family of three generations in Shan County, ShandongEight practitioners in a family in Qingyuan County, Liaoning ProvinceA practitioner and his family in Lanxi City, Zhejiang ProvinceA practitioner and his family in Changchun CityThree sisters in a family in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province and Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang ProvinceTwo sisters in Harbin City, HeilongjiangMother and daughter practitioners in Fuxin, Liaoning ProvinceMother and daughter together with a 7-year-old practitioner in Hongkou District, ShanghaiA family of four in Tahe County, HeilongjiangA practitioner's whole family in Jiagedaqi District, Daxing'anling, HeilongjiangA practitioner's family in Anhui ProvinceA family of three in Jining City, Shandong Province

Families with Multiple Generations of Practitioners Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!