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Those Who Believe in “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Are Blessed

January 14, 2016 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Jiangsu Province, China.

(Minghui.org) Practicing Falun Dafa changes people and brings blessings to others. One man's health returned and his heart also changed for the better. An elderly woman gave up her seat to an even older person and helped her to leave the CCP. A woman who cares for her husband in the hospital helped others to quit the CCP and a miracle happened.

Completely Different Person After Practicing Falun Gong

I am an engineer. I used to suffer from gallstones, arthritis, and a chronic cough. I tried different types of qigong but nothing helped. I had surgery to remove over 90 stones from my gallbladder. I was so weak that I couldn't be in the same room as a running fan.

At my lowest point I was fortunate to obtain the Fa. I had blurry vision and could not even read a newspaper. However, I did not have any problem reading Zhuan Falun for several days. I cried as I read—I had finally found the purpose of life.

After practicing the exercises for two weeks, I felt Falun adjusting my body. The strong spinning of the Falun almost lifted me off the ground. I felt great.

I understood that I needed to focus on cultivating my heart and improving xinxing. I needed to follow “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” and eliminate bad thoughts.

First, I returned the items I had previously taken from the office. I took on extra work instead of pushing tasks on others. My manager was very happy to see the change in me.

At home, I apologized to my sister-in-law, who I had fought with for many years. Although most people would not have thought it was my fault, I followed the principles of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” and was strict with myself.

Everybody saw how I had changed and many said, “You are a completely different person since you started practicing Falun Gong.”

Younger Old Lady Gives Seat to Older Old Lady

One day I took a bus and fell asleep in my seat. In my drowsy state I heard a woman say, “Nowadays, young people are not good. When they see the elderly on the bus, they turn away or pretend to sleep.”

I woke up and saw an elderly woman with her daughter standing in front of me. I stood. “Sister, please take my seat.”

She saw that I also had gray hair and hesitated. “No, you keep it.”

“It is okay,” I said. “I’m younger than you.”

She finally accepted and she and her daughter kept thanking me.

“You don’t have to thank me. I practice Falun Gong. My Master teaches me to treat others well. If you want to thank someone, you can thank my Master.”

A gentleman who sat nearby said, “Nowadays, unfortunately, an elderly person has to give up their seat to another elderly person.”

From our conversation, I learned that she was 98 years old and a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I explained to her the importance of withdrawing from the party.

She agreed. “The party is no good.” She agreed to withdraw from the party and said, “Thank you!”

No Longer Needing Heart Stents

My husband was hospitalized. The other patients and their families in the same room saw me busily taking care of him. One said, “You look very healthy.”

I explained that I used to suffer from many diseases and Falun Gong saved me. I clarified the truth and told them that what the CCP has said about Falun Gong was not true.

An elderly person told the others that “Falun Gong is indeed good. I saw practitioners everywhere in Taiwan.”

Many in the room said, “Nowadays nobody believes in what the government says. The injustices committed against Falun Gong will be redressed sooner or later.”

A young patient was a government clerk. “I knew about Falun Gong. I used to have a Falun Gong amulet, but it was stolen,” his wife said to me. “Do you have one?”

I immediately gave her one. “May I have two, one for me and one for my husband? It is so beautiful. Thank you!” she said.

Two days later, the young man was scheduled to have stents placed in heart. He was very nervous.

I told him, “Please remember to say ‘Falun Dafa is good’ in your heart. Things will go well for you, just as it did for my husband.”

He brought out the amulet in his pocket. “I have this on me and I will remember to say ‘Falun Dafa is good’ in my heart.”

Their family waited the whole morning for the doctor to examine the young man before his surgery the next day. They learned the equipment was being repaired.

“Please be patient,” I said. “A miracle will happen.”

The next day, when I saw him, he was very excited. “My check-up turned out to be normal. I no longer need to have the heart stents.”

On the day that my husband was released from the hospital, I met an elderly man in the bed next to him, who also needed a heart stent. I clarified the truth to him and gave him a Falun Gong amulet. He also agreed to withdraw from the CCP.

Surprisingly, that day the equipment had an issue as well. It was still not his turn for the pre-surgery check-up when we left. Although I don't know what happened, I believe everything would go well for him.