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Woman Returns Home Safely Three Hours after Her Arrest for Suing Jiang Zemin

August 09, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province

(Minghui.org) About ten officers in three police cars descended upon a village in Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province on July 27, 2015. They arrested and ransacked the homes of two Falun Gong practitioners: Li Fengming and Han Cheng.

The arrest was led by Mo Yapu, head of the Tongjiang City 610 Office and Lu Wenshuang, head of the Domestic Security Division. They charged Li and Han with spearheading local practitioners' filing of lawsuits against Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese dictator who initiated the persecution of Falun Gong.

Both practitioners were taken to Linjiang Township Police Station, where they were interrogated separately.

The officer questioning Li tried to get her to reveal who “instigated” them to write the lawsuit. She responded, “Nobody. I did it on my own initiative.”

Li also refused to reveal the name of the shop where she printed her lawsuit documents.

The officer questioned Li's motive of pressing charges against Jiang: “Why did you have to sue the [former] leader of the country?”

Li replied: “I sue him because he launched the persecution of Falun Gong and caused tremendous harm to practitioners like me.”

In response, the officer threatened that Li's lawsuit “went against the Chinese Communist Party” and constituted a crime.

Not deterred, Li rebutted, “[The current Chinese President] Xi Jinping ordered the arrest of Zhou Yongkang [former security chief and Jiang's chief accomplice in the persecution] and got him sentenced to life in priosn this June. Would you say Xi also committed a crime by prosecuting a high-ranking official?”

The officer did not answer and insisted that Li had committed a crime by suing Jiang.

Li rejected the allegation and continued telling the officer why the persecution is wrong and why Jiang has to be brought to justice.

In the end, the officer admitted defeat and said to Li, “Alright, since you did not commit any crime, you can go home.”

Li demanded a ride from the police, as she didn't have transportation. Lu Wenshuang, head of the Domestic Security Division, drove her home about three hours after her arrest.


In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.

The persecution has led to the deaths of many Falun Gong practitioners in the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.

Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.

Chinese law allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are now exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.