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Snapshot of Falun Gong Practitioners Whose Copies of Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin Were Received by Minghui on July 21, 2015

August 07, 2015 |  

(Minghui.org) Many Falun Gong practitioners are now exercising their legal right to sue Jiang Zemin for launching the persecution of Falun Gong and causing them great harm and tremendous suffering during the past 16 years. The momentum of this new wave of lawsuits against the former Chinese dictator is on the rise.

The Minghui website receives copies of criminal complaints against Jiang from many practitioners daily. In this report, we present a snapshot of some of the practitioners whose copies of lawsuits were received by Minghui on July 21, 2015.

These lawsuits are mailed to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, which are required to process all criminal complaints filed by citizens, as of a recent ruling by the Supreme People's Court.

Arrests, Imprisonment, Financial Loss, and Ruined Families

“My daughter was preparing for the high school entrance exam that year. [My arrest] made her unable to focus on her studies. She didn't pass the exam and was not accepted to any high school. She stays at home and plays computer games to avoid the harsh reality.”

“My son was in the third grade. He saw our home ransacked and his mother taken away by police. He dropped from third in his class to below twentieth. His teacher described him 'like a lost, disoriented lamb.' He never mentioned the tragedy at home to his classmates or teacher, fearing that he might be ridiculed by others.”

“My parents went to many government offices to get me released, with no success. Worry, exhaustion, and anger eventually brought my mother down. She had a stroke. Now, she can't care for herself. My father, almost 80, has to carry her everywhere and care for her. He has lost a lot of weight.”

The above excerpts are from a description by Ms. Li Dan, a Falun Gong practitioner in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, of her family after police arrested her from her home.

Ms. Deng Meizhen, another practitioner was pressured into divorce and lost her job, resulting in more than 350,000 yuan (~$56,500 USD) in financial losses from the police confiscating her property and her university not paying her salary and pension.

Case 1: Ms. Li Dan (李丹)

Profession: Finance ManagerHometown: Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Key FactsMs. Li Dan started to practice Falun Gong in 2008.

As the 2011 Summer Universiade Games drew near, she was arrested and her home ransacked in March as part of the authorities' attempt to silence those who would otherwise distribute information about the communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong.

She was illegally sentenced to a year of forced labor. The camp refused to take her due to her anemia. The Shenzhen “610 Office” then detained her for seven months until the Universiade Games were over. Her company laid her off.

During 2012 and 2013, police broke into her home three times, ransacked it twice, and failed to arrest her once. However, police did arrest her on the streets and held her in a brainwashing center for a few days.

Police also ransacked her new workplace, intimidating her new employer into terminating her despite her good job performance.

Her family suffered, too. After her first arrest, her daughter did poorly in her high school entrance exam and was not accepted to any high school.

Her son was frightened and depressed. His class rank dropped dramatically. His teacher said he has lost direction in life.

Her mother had a stroke from worry. She relies on her father, in his early 80s, to take care of her.

Current CircumstancesMs. Li is currently free, but she and her family continues to suffer the consequences of earlier police harassment.

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 2: Ms. Deng Meizhen (邓梅珍)

Profession: Retired TeacherHometown: Shijiazhuang, Hebei ProvinceDate filed: June 2, 2015

Key FactsMs. Deng Meizhen started practicing Falun Gong in 1996.

She was arrested in December 2001 for distributing materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was first put into a brainwashing center and deprived of sleep. She was later put into a forced labor camp for three months.

Police ransacked her home in 2004 and 2007 and seized her computers, printers, and Falun Gong books, for a direct loss of 50,000 yuan. Police also came to her home to harass her several times.

Her university, Hebei Normal University, fired her in 2005 for her belief. The school did not pay her pension until 2013 when she finally convinced the school to cover her basic living expenses. She lost around 300,000 yuan in total salary.

Her husband, a middle manager at the same university, faced tremendous pressure and eventually divorced her. She fell into a deep depression.

Current CircumstancesMs. Deng is at home and is petitioning the university for financial support.

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 3: Mr. Chen Quanlong (陈全龙)

Profession: Government employeeHometown: Guangshui, Hubei ProvinceDate filed: June 3, 2015

Key FactsMr. Chen started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. Police arrested Mr. Chen in 2003 and ransacked his home. They released him after extorting 3,000 yuan from his workplace, the Guangshui Local Taxation Bureau.

Agents from the 610 Office arrested him in 2006 and put him in a brainwashing center, but released him when his blood pressure spiked. The 610 Office also ordered the local taxation bureau to remove him as section chief.

He was arrested at a barber shop in 2008 when telling others about the persecution of Falun Gong.

He was again arrested on March 30, 2014 when distributing flyers to raise awareness of the persecution. His home was ransacked, and he was detained for two months.

His first court hearing was held on June 9, 2015. No verdict is known at the time of writing.

Current CircumstancesMr. Deng is at home but faces trial.

Related Report(s)No Verdict for Illegally Tried Tax Bureau Official in Guangshui City

Details of complaint in Chinese language


In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.

The persecution has led to the deaths of many Falun Gong practitioners in the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.

Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.

Chinese law allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are now exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.