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A Bright Future for Believing in Dafa

June 29, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa supporter from Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I work in Ziyang City, where many Falun Dafa practitioners told me about the goodness of Dafa. These practitioners have always been very nice, and helpful. They told me that I should always be a good person.

I was renting a room, and did not have much to my name. But, they did not look down on me, and instead they helped me.

A practitioner brought some Dafa books and asked me to hold them for him. He told me that they were written by the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr Li Hongzhi, whom practitioners call Master, and must be kept in a decent place. I kept them in a secret place.

When he returned for his books he said, “You protected Dafa books. Our Master will protect you as well. Please remember to say at all times, 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' and you will receive blessings.”

Celebrating in My Village

I went to my home village for a birthday party in July 2012. We needed to return to the city that afternoon on our motorcycle.

When we arrived in the Zikushan area, my husband missed the turn off. The motorcycle suddenly went out of control, and I was thrown to the ground and lost consciousness.

When I woke up I heard someone saying that we both must be dead. I pulled myself up and saw my husband several yards away from me. The motorcycle was several yards away from him.

I crawled to my husband and called his name until he woke up. We went to where the motorcycle was and saw that it was fine. One of my husband's teeth was broken, and my hands were slightly injured but not bleeding. We went back home by bus, and had our son get the motorcycle.

We escaped a serious accident with just minor scrapes, and people said that we must be protected by gods.

Yes, we were alive because Falun Dafa's Master saved us.

Why do I say that? Given this accident, I believe that what practitioners say is true. Those who do not believe in the goodness of Falun Dafa, do not respect Master, or arrest practitioners, will face problems. As long as we have good thoughts regarding Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), I believe we will have bright futures.