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No One Can Stop Me from Speaking Up for Dafa

April 22, 2015 |   By a rural area practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from a rural area. I was deeply moved when I read experience sharing articles from practitioners. This encouraged me to share my thoughts with fellow practitioners.

Benefiting from Falun Dafa

A villager told me in the autumn of 1998 that someone in the village had learned a cultivation method that brought great benefits to its practitioners, be it mentally or health wise. My husband and I decided to talk to this person, because we were in poor health.

When we heard that these practitioners lived by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, we understood that this was a good cultivation practice. Therefore, I bought Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and began to cultivate in Dafa. Within a short time I benefited from the practice and became healthy.

However, just when I started to practice Dafa, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) banned the practice. Even our small village could not escape the destruction to follow.

I lost contact with fellow practitioners and was no longer diligent in my cultivation. It was not until 2004 that I learned that practitioners should help people understand Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Spreading the Facts

Practitioners should study the Dafa books, do the exercises, send righteous thoughts, and tell people the facts about the persecution of Dafa.

In the beginning, people said that I “talked about politics,” and they refused to listen when I suggested they quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

This situation made me realize that I needed to look within, study the Fa better, send righteous thoughts and read experience sharing articles from practitioners. In this way, I improved in my cultivation and convinced more and more people to quit the CCP.

A person on a bus once said that he knew that Dafa is good and that the CCP is evil. I took some time to help him understand about the persecution, and he did quit the party before he got off the bus. There are many such stories about people who quit the CCP, and, importantly, some things they say often make me realize that Teacher is always there to encourage me in my efforts.

Many people have learned the facts about Falun Dafa, and many look for practitioners so they can quit the CCP. Once when I was telling someone the facts about Dafa, he grabbed me. I was stunned by his action and worried he wanted to report me. He indeed said he was a party member, but that he had looked for someone to help him renounce his membership. He was excited that I could help him.

Meeting with a Former Practitioner

I once met a former fellow practitioner in my hometown. Both she and her husband were CCP members. They cultivated in Dafa but stopped after the onset of the persecution. I gave her the book on the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party, talked to her about Dafa, and helped her quit the CCP. She indicated that she would return to the cultivation path.

However, there were others who were against Dafa. I told two people in my hometown the facts about Dafa, but they refused to listen and instead reported me to the police. Agents from the local 610 Office then came to my house. I sent forth righteous thoughts to keep them from committing a crime against Dafa. They left after talking to my husband.

Support by Family Members

All six people in my family witnessed how I became a good person with improved health after I practiced Falun Dafa. I treat them well and do a lot of the chores around the house.

But it still took my family some time to agree that I should go out to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa. Then after they witnessed all the changes in me and because of my continuous truth clarification, they no longer tried to stop me.

I have also faced tribulations. Once, I had leg pain and could not move. My mother told my siblings to take me to the hospital, but I refused. I understood that it was either karma elimination or interference. By the next morning I was fine. My mother mumbled, “How can she recover this fast, especially since she couldn't move yesterday?”

My husband wondered why I always went out. I said that he already knew that I was distributing Falun Dafa materials to people. I told him that he was the boss in our house, but when it came to cultivation, I am my own boss. He laughed and agreed. Now, he even helps me prepare Dafa materials.

I hold no fears or worries about difficulties on my path. Moreover, I feel that Teacher is right beside me to take care of me.