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Treasuring the Life Extended By Master

March 22, 2015 |   By a practitioner in China (based on a fellow practitioner's dictation)

(Minghui.org) During the harvest last fall, a fellow practitioner had symptoms of serious illness. She fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. One of her relatives, also a practitioner, took care of her in the hospital and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the old forces' persecution.

The hospitalized practitioner came out of the coma in a groggy state and said the following:

“I saw my body being destroyed by the old forces in other dimensions. The ghosts folded my body and four limbs and tortured me. I was in agony. Master saved me.”

“I saw Master holding the earth in his hands. Saving people is urgent. One should not slack off but use every bit of time to do so.”

“It is fortunate for everyday people to encounter practitioners. Only those with virtue can receive Falun Gong information materials from practitioners.”

After she woke up completely, she asked to be discharged from the hospital. She said she had a lot of work at home and crops in the field to be harvested. She said nothing about treasuring the time given to save sentient beings.

Her son objected to her discharge request. They quarreled, and the practitioner grew angry. She later fell back into a coma and passed away.

One after another, practitioners have recently manifested symptoms of illness. Several lost their lives. Fellow practitioners are reminded to treasure the time given by Master for saving sentient beings and not be blocked by human notions.

We hope those practitioners struggling with sickness tribulations will treasure Master's compassion and set right the relationship between cultivation and life. Every thought should be aligned with Dafa.