(Minghui.org) Many young Falun Dafa practitioners sent in greetings to wish revered Master a Happy New Year.
In this report, we present a selection of 19 greetings sent from young practitioners in these areas: Shanxi Province, Heilongjiang Province, Hebei Province, Shanghai, Zhejiang Province, Shandong Province Guangdong Province, Liaoning Province, Sichuan Province and Beijing.
One greeting read: “I started practicing Falun Dafa when I was little. Learning and following Dafa principles has made me well-behaved at home and a good student in school. I know all these were blessing from Master! I will continue to follow Master's instruction, and study the Fa and do the three things well. I will tell more people about the Communist Party's lies against Dafa, and bring people bright futures!
“I would like to express my thanks for Master's grace on my knees! Heshi!”