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Two Critically Ill Patients Recover by Reading Zhuan Falun

Dec. 12, 2015 |   By Li Yu, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share two amazing stories about how two critically ill patients recovered simply by reading the book Zhuan Falun.

1. “I Will Keep Reading the Book Forever!”

My husband’s uncle was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, and his lungs were already functioning at only 50 percent. My husband and I visited him in the hospital on January 1, 2014. He was getting chemotherapy. According to his wife, he had gotten worse and was not able to stand by himself.

I said to him, “Today we are here to pay you a debt of gratitude. You have always been very nice to us. You always brought us all kinds of fresh fruit. When I was illegally imprisoned because I practice Falun Gong, you didn't turn your back on us. And when I was released, you spent 100 yuan to celebrate.

"You have recognized that the Chinese Communist Party is evil and anticipate its imminent collapse. That makes me think that you have a prehistoric relationship with gods and Buddha. Do not worry about your illness! I will give you a treasured book called Zhuan Falun. Please read it carefully. If you keep reading it, you will survive.”

He said, “Thank you. I promise to read it.”

When we visited him again around the Chinese New Year, he looked happy and healthy. He said, “I like reading the book. I will keep reading it forever!”

Several months later, my husband came back from his uncle’s home and said that the old man had recovered completely and was working every day in his garden, just like he used to before he got lung cancer.

2. “Next Time I Will Tell My Doctor the Truth: 'Falun Gong Saved Me!'”

My husband’s aunt’s daughter-in-law had advanced stage leukemia, and her doctor told the family to make arrangements for her burial. When we visited her on February 5, 2014, she was declining rapidly and fearful whenever someone turned off the lights.

She said, “We've gone into serious debt because of my illness. We even sold our TV to help pay them off.”

I said, “Don't worry about it so much. Today I am sharing with you the most effective way to save yourself.” I gave her a Falun Dafa memento and a copy of Zhuan Falun and encouraged her to read it. I said, “You should treasure this book. Read it carefully. It can save you!”

She said with determination, “I will! Then I will transcribe it.”

I said, “Please be serious! Do not make any errors when you transcribe the book.”

She said, “Believe me, I won't. I used to be an accountant.”

Soon after she called and told us that her white blood cell count had returned to normal. And she was able to do some household chores by herself. When she returned to the hospital for a follow-up, her doctor could not believe the results of the reports.

She said, “Next time, I will explain to my doctor that Falun Dafa saved me.” I asked, “Dare you say that?”

She answered, “I was dying. Nothing can frighten me now.”

I said, “That's great. You will experience benefits beyond measure if you tell more people about it.”

During these turbulent days, Falun Dafa is really the only way to save sentient beings.