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Officials Mislead Attorney Repeatedly Following Arrests of His Clients

September 17, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Following the arrest of Mr. Zhao Chengxiao and his wife Ms. Gao Xiulan on August 5, 2014, officials prevented his attorney from defending them.

The couple's attorney went to the Chengfeng Police Station on August 29, to submit his legal representation application, and to request his clients' release on bail. However, the officers there refused to accept the files.

The reception officer at the police station made a phone call to officer Zhang Wenbin, who was in charge of the case. Zhang said he was out of the office and could not meet with the attorney. But after a short while, before the attorney had left, Zhang came downstairs.

The attorney handed him the paperwork, but Zhang refused to take it, and directed the attorney instead to the police station's deputy director, Zheng Junchang.

The attorney insisted that Zhang accept the files. Zhang finally took the application, but he still asked that the request for bail form be given to the deputy director.

After Zhang left, the attorney was still misled by the officials. The reception officer called the deputy director, who also said he was out of office, and directed the attorney to another officer, Wu Jun from the investigation team. Wu then accepted the application.

The attorney called the director of the police station, Yu Changjun, and talked to him about visiting the couple. Yu said that they had turned the case over to the Daqing City Police Department, and that they were now in charge of the case.

Denied Visitation

After leaving the police station, the attorney went with the couple's family members to the Daqing No. 3 Detention Center to visit Mr. Zhao. The reception officer first told them that all the guards were out of the office for a conference, but then said that they were out for a sports activity. He then asked the attorney and the couple's family to come back next morning.

The attorney and the family then went to the city's Domestic Security Division, where officer Feng drove the family members away. He only let the attorney come into his office.

Feng told the attorney that they were in charge of the case. He added that they had just made some progress on the case, including information involving state secrets. Therefore, Feng noted that no one could visit the couple. During this time, Feng also refused to tell the attorney his real name.

Details of the Arrest

Ms. Gao Xiulan and another female Falun Gong practitioner were arrested on the afternoon of August 5, 2014, while distributing materials about the mistreatment of Falun Gong practitioners. Officers from the Chengfeng Police Station and the Daqing Domestic Security Division searched them and confiscated items, including transportation cards and house keys.

At Ms. Gao's home, the police confiscated Falun Gong books, other Falun Gong related materials, a computer, a printer, and other personal belongings.

The police also arrested Ms. Gao's husband Mr. Zhao Chengxiao. Ms. Gao was detained at the Daqing No. 1 Detention Center and Mr. Zhao at the No. 3 Detention Center. The other practitioner arrested along with Ms. Gao was released shortly after the arrest.

Perpetrators' contact information:
Yu Changjun (于长军), head of the Chengfeng Police Station: +86-459-5680307 (Office), +86-459-6091088 (Home), +86-13394650605, +86-13796984333
Zheng Junchang (郑君昌), deputy head: +86-459-5796110 (Office), +86-459-6699657 (Home), +86-13394664111Zhang Wenbin (张文斌), police officer: +86-13303698889Feng Haibo (冯海波), Domestic Security Division staff: +86-15045899010, +86-13089051888Zhao Haishen (赵海深), head of the Daqing No. 1 Detention Center: +86-13394660233Daqing No. 3 Detention Center: +86-459-5714110