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The Power of Falun Dafa: Two Incredible Stories

August 04, 2014 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share two incredible stories. One happened to me about 16 years ago. The other happened to the daughter of one of my neighbors in my hometown about eight years ago. Both stories give testimony to Master’s boundless compassion and Dafa’s amazing power.

1. Severe Insomnia Cured after Listening to Master’s Lectures

When I was 30 years old, I contracted a strange sickness that kept me from falling asleep for long periods of time. The condition was coupled with breathing problems so bad that I would be wheezing to the point of suffocation.

No hospital treatment or any traditional or folk remedy had any positive effect. Because of the long-term insomnia, I became nothing but skin and bones. I was tired of living. The only thing that stopped me from taking my own life was my two-year-old.

I heard that a neighbor worked in a hospital. One day, after another sleepless night and prolonged painful gasping for breath, I knocked on his door.

I asked him, “Sir, can you tell what I have? Why is it that no medication can help?”

He answered, “Yours is a severe case of asthma plus insomnia. Right now, no drugs can cure that.”

I burst into tears.

He continued, “Stop your tears. My wife also had a variety of ailments for many years and no treatments or drugs could help her. But now that she has started practicing Falun Gong, all her health problems are gone. I suggest that you talk to my wife and perhaps learn Falun Gong from her.”

His wife showed up then and offered, “I’ll take you tonight to our Fa study site so you can listen to Master’s lectures.”

That night, I summoned all my strength and went with my neighbor’s wife to where the lectures of Master Li Hongzhi were being played.

When I saw Master on the TV screen, I said to myself, “I’ve seen Him before.”

Then, a strange thing happened. I, who for so long had had so much trouble falling asleep, as soon as I saw Master, I fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t wake up until Master’s lecture was over.

The next morning, my neighbor’s wife taught me the exercises. When I returned home, my mother-in-law coaxed me to lie down. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

When I woke up, I got up. I wanted to go to my parents’ house, so I took out my bicycle and started out. However, after going about one mile, I started to feel faint. A tricycle-for-hire happened to drive up. I waved it down and asked to be taken home.

When the tricycle driver was putting my bicycle onto his tricycle, another neighbor I knew came out of her house near by.

I pleaded with her in a weak voice, “Auntie, please find my husband and have him take me to the hospital!”

By then, my neighbor’s wife also heard the commotion. She came out of her house a little distance away and recognized me, so she asked me where I was going.

When I told her I was going to the hospital, she said at once, “You are not going anywhere. This is Master purifying your body!”

I thought to myself, “Even though I went with you to listen to Master’s lecture, I didn’t hear a word. I was actually asleep all that time. Master is purifying my body? Is it possible?”

I hesitated.

My other neighbor heard our conversation and interjected, “Why don’t you come to my house for a little rest, then we’ll decide what to do.”

So she and my neighbor’s wife helped me to my neighbor’s house and let me lie down on the sofa. I lost consciousness right then and there.

The two ladies went to look for my husband at the factory where he works. My husband carried me to my neighbor’s bedroom and laid me down on the bed. I stayed unconscious. Toward evening, my husband carried me back home so I could sleep in my own bed.

I was oblivious to all that. When I came to, it was already 3 o’clock in the morning.

My husband was sitting next to my bed, watching over me.

He said to me, “You’re finally awake. Do you know how long you have been unconscious? You scared me half to death!”

Since that episode, all my physical problems were gone. I truly tasted what it means to be free of illness. From then on, Dafa took root in my heart. I made a firm decision to practice Dafa.

It is now 15-16 years later. I have not taken another pill or any form of medication. Every day, I am immersed in the joy of being enveloped by the amazing grace of Dafa.

2. Brain Tumor Dissolved after Reading Zhuan Falun

I have a neighbor from my hometown who knew everything about my physical problems. After I was cured, whenever we saw each other, I would share with her how and what I felt about practicing Dafa, in hopes she would also enter into Dafa. Unfortunately, no matter what I said, she would just smile and that was that.

One day, she dropped in for a visit. As soon as she saw me, she called out my name and started to sob. I asked her what the problem was.

She told me between sobs, “My daughter, who has just started second grade, got sick several days ago. Her head ached, and she ran a high fever. She threw up frequently. We took her to the hospital. They diagnosed her with a brain tumor and wanted to operate on her right away. We took her to another hospital for a second opinion. The diagnosis was the same.

“They started operating on her, but the doctor told us her tumor was too close to the lining of her brain, and an operation would be too dangerous. So, they stitched her back up.

“Now, the doctor is telling us to prepare ourselves for the worst and to just try to satisfy our baby’s last wishes. We can do nothing but cry.”

My neighbor paused and continued, “You have to help us! You have to help our little girl! I remember your telling me many times how so many people with different sicknesses, even those who have been given death sentences, have recovered by practicing Falun Gong. I know how you yourself recovered!”

I told her, “I don’t have the power to save anybody. Only Master has the power.”

She pleaded, “Then, please beg your Master for me to save my daughter!”

I said, “Let her read the books. You take the Dafa text and read it to her.”

She asked, “Will it work?”

I answered, “Most definitely!”

I handed her a copy of Zhuan Falun and told her, “Take it and read it often to your daughter. Read it with your heart. The degree of your sincerity will determine the degree of her recovery.

"When Master purifies her body, she will most likely experience pain or other adverse reactions. No matter what happens, you will have to keep on reading. This is your test. This is to see how truly you trust Dafa and Master. Dafa can accomplish anything. That is absolute. It all depends on your heart.

“In fact, all I’m telling you is just a reminder. When you read the book, you’ll understand.

“So, hurry on home and start reading to your daughter.”

Less than 20 days later, my neighbor and her husband both showed up at my door. They were beaming with happiness.

As soon as they saw me, they blurted out, “We bring you good news! Our daughter has recovered!”

Tears streamed down my face. I said in my heart, “Master, thank you!”

They were crying, too.

My neighbor recounted what happened, “This past 20 days, I read to my child every single day. It was truly amazing! She got better every day. At first, she couldn’t eat anything. Now, she can eat. The book is amazing. Master is more than extraordinary. I’ve read this book seven or eight times now. It confirmed my faith and my determination. I’m certain Master has a way to save my daughter.”

Three months later, they took their daughter back to the hospital for a checkup. They came away with a clean bill of health.

They told me when the doctor asked them, “Which hospital did you take her for treatment? What magic potion have you given her?” They answered, “We didn’t go anywhere or do anything. We just read a book.” The doctor inquired with disbelief, “For real? What book?” When told it was Zhuan Falun, he exclaimed, “Is there really such magic? Incredible! Truly incredible!”

That happened seven or eight years ago. Now their daughter is in high school. She is 16 and has grown into an absolute beauty!

This undeniable factual incident convinced everybody who hears about it that Dafa is wonderful and amazing. I have also retold this story to help awaken many people.