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Further Information on the Death of Ms. Zhang Shuxian in Police Custody

Aug. 24, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) On August 7, 2014 police officers from the Tumen City Domestic Security Division illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuxian. On August 8, only one day after the arrest, Ms. Zhang’s family was informed of her death. Details about Ms. Zhang’s death and police brutality can be read in the Minghui article Woman Takes the Bus and Never Returns Home—Another Illegal Arrest and Murder. According to information received by Minghui, Ms. Zhang’s remains were covered in bruises and wounds. There was a footprint on her back which appeared to be the result of a heavy kick.

It is believed that officers from the Tumen City Domestic Security Division beat and killed Ms. Zhang, then took her body to Tumen City People’s Hospital, connected her to an intravenous drip and pretended that she died while having a heart attack. On August 11, the police cremated Ms. Zhang’s body in a funeral home. The funeral home was under heavy police guard at the time. It has been said that the Domestic Security Division has offered Ms. Zhang’s family money as compensation for her death.

Torture re-enactment: Vicious beating

Ms. Zhang Shuxian formerly lived in Qushui Village, Tumen City. She was well respected in the village. She took good care of her in-laws until they passed away. Her husband was grateful to have her, a Falun Dafa practitioner, as a wife.

After the Chinese regime launched the suppression of Falun Gong, Ms. Zhang suffered numerous rounds of persecution. The ongoing persecution has brought tremendous pressure on her entire family. Her family has also suffered great financial loss due to the persecution.

Individuals and agencies accountable for Ms. Zhang’s death:Zheng Xizhu (鄭希洙), secretary, Tumen City Political and Legislative Affairs Committee: +86-13804435505 (Cell)Jin Guang (金光), director, Tumen City 610 Office: +86-433-3666610, +86-13694331929 (Cell)Wu Jilong (吳吉龍), captain, Tumen City Domestic Security Division: +86-13904465073 (Cell), +86-433-3699300, +86-433-3669979 (Office)Zhou Hong (周宏), deputy captain, Tumen City Domestic Security Division: +86-13704330915, +86-433-3698147 (Office), +86-433-3663393 (Home)