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Awakened Colleagues

July 24, 2014 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Some time ago, the government put out a notice viciously attacking practitioners for circulating paper currency with positive messages about Falun Gong written on the bills. The local authorities posted copies of the notice prominently in several locations.

When I found one of the notices posted at the entrance where I work, I quickly tore it down.

But another notice showed up again that afternoon. One of my colleagues said, “I will find an opportunity to tear down it!” I answered, “That's great.” She knows the truth and has a positive attitude towards Falun Gong. Every time I give her informational materials and Shen Yun DVDs, she is pleased to get them.

Unfortunately, our boss gave her a warning, “Look out! Don't let anyone tear that notice down. The authorities are coming to inspect our company tomorrow.” I said to her, “In that case, you could do it tomorrow.”

The following morning, another colleague said, “I just read through the notice outside, attacking Falun Gong. It's awful. I know it will make you feel bad if you see it, so I am planning to tear it down.” I told him it was a good thing to do and added, "It is a great chance for you to make amends, since you once did what the boss said and tore down Dafa materials.”

A short time later, he told me that he had torn the notice down and thrown it into the trash. We smiled at each other.

Today, through our relentless efforts over the years, more and more people know the truth about Falun Dafa and realize just how evil the Chinese Communist Party is. Can the Party's demise be far away?

We cannot afford to let up in our efforts when so many people are waiting anxiously for us to clarify the truth to them.