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Additional Persecution News from China – June 30, 2014 (16 Reports)

July 12, 2014 |  

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 14 cities or counties in 8 provinces. According to this report, 10 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 18 practitioners were illegally arrested.


1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Guan Shuli and Ms. Feng Xue to Be Tried
2. [Chicheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Ai Zhixiang Arrested
3. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhao Kai Held in Police Station
4. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Mr. He Daxi Arrested at Home
5. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Yuehua Detained
6. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Ma Jing Harassed
7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
8. [Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Xie Peizhen Missing
9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhu Taken to Brainwashing Center
10. [Longjiang County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Fu Yunping Faces Court Hearing
11. [Shen County, Shandong Province] Mr. Guan Keduan Leaves Home to Avoid Further Persecution
12. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Cui Hongwei Arrested
13. [Laiyang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Songshan and Other Practitioners Arrested
14. [Jiuquan City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhou Shufang and Ms. He Niudui Sentenced
15. [Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Li Xiaolin Detained
16. [Sheyang City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Tang Xueyong Arrested

1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Guan Shuli and Ms. Feng Xue to Be Tried

Ms. Guan Shuli and Ms. Feng Xue from Xinfa Town face an illegal trial on July 2, 2014.

2. [Chicheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Ai Zhixiang Arrested

Ms. Ai Zhixiang was arrested by Zhang Yongxin, head of the county Domestic Security Division, and other officers on the morning of June 23, 2014, for telling people about Falun Gong. Her home was ransacked. She was taken to the Zhangjiakou Detention Center that afternoon. She was released after a physician examined her and determined that she was unfit for detention.

3. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhao Kai Held in Police Station

Mr. Zhao Kai was arrested and taken into custody at the Guangming Police Station for talking to people about Falun Gong on June 25, 2014.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Zhao:Zhang Dali (张达力), police officer: +86-468-3341497, +86-468-6867696, +86-18052386315Duan Jingyi (段经义), director of the Guangming Police Station: +86-15053586998

4. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Mr. He Daxi Arrested at Home

Mr. He Daxi was arrested at home by officers from the Dongchuan District Domestic Security Division on June 26, 2014. The police took Falun Dafa informational materials. Mr. He was severely beaten at the Bigu Police Station.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. He:Xu Yonglin (徐永林), Domestic Security Division head: +86-13700605296, +86-13398848239Li Hongyu (李洪玉), director of the Bigu Police Station: +86-13888195777

5. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Yuehua Detained

Ms. Sun Yuehua was arrested by officers from the Wanghai Police Station for telling others about Falun Gong on the afternoon of June 29, 2014. She was taken to the Laishan District Detention Center that afternoon for 15 days of detention.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Sun:Hu Jiayou (胡加友), director of the Wanghai Police Station: +86-18660066291Wang (王), director of the Laishan District Detention Center: +86-15064518125

6. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Ma Jing Harassed

Officers from the Ermalu Police Station tried to force their way into Ms. Ma Jing's home on the morning of June 25, 2014. Ms. Ma did not let them in. The police demanded that she tell them whether or not she was still practicing Falun Gong. They pointed a camera at her and took pictures of her face.

Party involved in persecuting her:Ermalu Police Station: +86-535-6226241

7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Three women practitioners from the Wuchang District were arrested by officers from the Danshuichi Police Station for talking to others about Falun Gong on June 29, 2014.

8. [Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Xie Peizhen Missing

Ms. Xie Peizhen was arrested at home on the afternoon of June 26, 2014. Her whereabouts are unknown.

9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhu Taken to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Zhu was arrested on June 16, 2014, for distributing Falun Gong informational materials. She was taken to the Chejiaji Brainwashing Center in Jiang'an District.

10. [Longjiang County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Fu Yunping Faces Court Hearing

Mr. Fu Yunping faces a county court hearing on July 1, 2014. He is being held in the Qiqihar No. 2 Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Mr. Fu:Qiqihar No. 2 Detention Center: +86-452-2487759Zhou Hongquan (周洪泉), Longjiang County Domestic Security Division head: +86-13945220000

11. [Shen County, Shandong Province] Mr. Guan Keduan Leaves Home to Avoid Further Persecution

Mr. Guan Keduan, 65, is a retired doctor in Douzhuang Village, Gucheng Town. He was arrested on June 26, 2014. He was released, but placed under police surveillance. Mr. Guan left his home on June 28, 2014, and has not returned since.

Party involved in persecuting him:Du (杜), director of the Gucheng Police Station: +86-13606357949

12. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Cui Hongwei Arrested

Mr. Cui Hongwei was arrested and taken to the Decheng District Police Department for distributing Falun Gong informational DVDs on June 23, 2014.

Party involved in persecuting him:Zhang Xikun (张希坤), Police Department: +86-13348803686

13. [Laiyang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Songshan and Other Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Li Songshan, Mr. Li Lulin, Ms. Qiao Zhi, Mr. Huang Jianjun, Ms. Chen Xiangmei, and Mr. Gao Jianting were arrested in the early morning hours of June 25, 2014. The police also ransacked their homes.

The officers took two computers, two printers, supplies, and over 10,000 yuan in cash from Mr. Li Lulin's home. They took personal belongings from Mr. Huang Jianjun's home. The police confiscated DVDs and supplies from Ms. Huang Ruhua's home.

Mr. An Libo and his wife were arrested at home. The police took two computers, a notebook computer, a printer, and supplies.

Ms. Lu Weihao was arrested on the afternoon of June 25, 2014. Her home was searched.

Around 7:30 a.m. on June 25, Mr. Zhang Baoren was arrested on his way home after the night shift. His home was ransacked.

Parties involved in persecuting them:Bo Weiguo (卜卫国), chief of the Laiyang City Police Department: +86-535-7339777, +86-18660067966, +86-13953566666Zhou Weidong (周伟东), Domestic Security Division head: +86-535-7264659, +86-13953513748Liang Bing (梁兵), Laiyang 610 Office officer: +86-15192261717

14. [Jiuquan City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhou Shufang and Ms. He Niudui Sentenced

Mr. Zhou Shufang and Ms. He Niudui were arrested on November 11, 2013. Their homes were searched. The Jiuquan City Court tried the two secretly on April 4, 2014. Ms. He was sentenced to three years in prison, and Ms. Zhou to two years.

15. [Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Li Xiaolin Detained

Ms. Li Xiaolin, about 45, was arrested for distributing Falun Gong informational materials on December 5, 2013. That afternoon, Chen Jiangui and others from the Domestic Security Division broke into her home and ransacked it. The police took a computer, a printer, among other things. She was taken to the Xingguo County Detention Center, where she has been held since.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Li:Liu Fuhai (刘福海), director of the Xingguo County Police Department: +86-797-5305320Chen Jiangui (陈建贵), Domestic Security Division head: +86-797-5326381, +86-13033266263

16. [Sheyang City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Tang Xueyong Arrested

Mr. Tang Xueyong was arrested and taken to the Chengbei Police Station on the evening of June 28, 2014. The police took his key and searched his home. They took a computer, a printer, Falun Dafa books, and informational materials.