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Facts about the Persecution of Ms. He Zhuojun

May 30, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. He Zhuojun is employed at the Suizhou Business Bureau in Hebei Province. She was illegally arrested at work on the morning of March 30, 2014, and taken to the Wuchang Law Education Center (actually a brainwashing center). Agents with the 610 Office then ransacked her home.

This is not the first time Ms. He Zhuojun has been arrested since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999.

In July 2000, many residential committees and employerss in Suizhou City pressured Falun Gong practitioners to write the Three Statements, promising not to appeal, not to get together, and not to practice Falun Gong. Ms. He refused to sign and was taken to the Suizhou City Second Detention Center.

During her detention, her husband couldn't bear the pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and asked her for a divorce. The court staff forced her to sign the divorce papers in the detention center and Ms. He then became homeless.

Ms. He was sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for a year and a half in 2000. She was brutally tortured in the camp because she refused to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was locked in small cells many times and was beaten by the monitor, who was instructed by the guards.

One time, she was almost suffocated when several of the monitors watching her covered her with a quilt and sat on it. They also tortured her by tying her up and tickling her soles. She was not allowed to use the restroom even when she was menstruating. Her term was extended because she refused to be "transformed."

In 2002, 610 Office agents transferred Ms. He from Shanyang Forced Labor Camp to the Second Detention Center. She was not released until the 16th CPC National Congress was over. Ms. He held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She was later released with her family's help. However, she was still often harassed and monitored by the police.

Ms. He has now been arrested again.

This kind woman, who obeys the law and lives by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, has been arrested and detained many times, was forced to get a divorce, had her money stolen, and has been repeatedly threatened and harassed. Over the past ten years, the CCP has never stopped persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.