(Minghui.org) Following the 2014 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, Falun Dafa practitioners who came to New York from all over world celebrated World Falun Dafa Day with a series of activities at Union Square in Lower Manhattan. A large-scale group exercise was held on the morning of May 13 and an art performance on May 15.
Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world do morning exercises at Union Square in Lower Manhattan
A large number of people passed through Union Square during the morning rush hour. They were fascinated by the soothing exercises. Many of them took pictures of this beautiful scene and got introductory materials. Some learned the Falun Gong exercises.
A young animation designer joined the practitioners for exercises in the early morning. He said excitedly, “I love it! I hope they will come to do exercises here everyday. I would join them. I will find out more information about it today.” Holding his hands in a wheel-holding gesture, he said, “I have already felt great energy. It's a very peaceful and comforting energy!”
Mr. Kevin Coughlan, Northeast General Sales Manager at Mannington Mills
Mr. Kevin Coughlan, Northeast General Sales Manager at Mannington Mills, was drawn to the group exercise. After talking to practitioners, he showed great interest in Falun Gong and the strong energy field. He thought the practice would be helpful to him and his employees, and wanted to try it. He said the world needed something like this so that people would treat each other better, and that he would look on the Internet for more information.
Ms. Louise Johnson works across the street from Union Square. She was amazed by the beautiful exercise and strong energy field. She told the reporter, “I practice Yoga. I'm surprised to see such a large group of people doing an exercise together! The energy is so powerful! So wonderful!” She was even more surprised to hear such a great exercise was persecuted in China. She said she would get on the Internet and sign a petition to end the persecution.
Falun Dafa practitioners gave a dance and music performance on the afternoon of May 15, to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 22 nd anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction. They expressed their deep gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, through dance and music.
The Divine Land Marching Band plays “Falun Dafa Hao” and “Thank You, Master!'
Falun Gong exercise demonstration
Falun Gong practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 22
anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction with dance and music
Thirty-two state, county and city governments issued special recognitions and congratulations for the celebration of World Falun Dafa Day. New York State Assemblyman Joseph R. Lentol and Hon Martha Flores-Vazquez, the New York State Assemblywoman of the 40th district, sent representatives to participate in the celebration.
Thirty-two state, county and city governments issued special recognitions and congratulations
Mr. Slaba Ror attended the celebration and gave a speech on behalf of New York State Assemblyman Joseph R. Lentol. He said that he was honored to stand together with Falun Gong practitioners in the United States.
Mr. Ian Budd, representative of Hon Martha Flores-Vazquez, attended the celebration and recognized the Falun Dafa group for its cultivation of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, for safeguarding human rights with great courage, and promoting and protecting Falun Gong practitioners' rights.
Mr. Zhang Erping, a spokesperson for Falun Gong, thanked representatives and government officials for their support, and introduced Falun Dafa's principles and history.
Renowned playwright Lauri Bortz
Ms. Lauri Bortz, a renowned playwright from Jersey Island, stood looking on at Union Square for more than an hour. She told the reporter that she had heard about Falun Gong and held Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in high esteem.
Chelsie and Amanda were on their way to doing Yoga when they saw the celebration. They got in front of the crowd and squatted down to watch the performance. Amanda told the reporter that the performance was beautiful. Chelsie said she was very thankful for the performance. It was terrible to persecute such an inspiring practice. Both of them said they had gotten introductory materials about Falun Gong and wanted to learn it. Amanda added, “There are four group exercise sites in New York. We have no reason not to check it out.”
Tourists from France, Francois and Marie
Francois and Marie are tourists from France. They said they had seen two Falun Gong activities in the last two days of their trip. They planned to learned more about Falun Gong and tell their friends about it. They would also like to sign the online petition to end the persecution. They were shocked and saddened by the Chinese Communist Party's crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and were determined to tell more people to join the effort to end the persecution.
Many people watch the celebration at Union Square and get introduction materials.
Among the audience were many Chinese people. Some of them quit the Communist organizations after hearing about the persecution. Some took introductory materials for their families and friends.