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Attitudes of People in China Changing about Falun Dafa

February 04, 2014 |  


1. Police Don't Stop Practitioners from Talking to People about Falun Gong

(Shandong Province) Another practitioner and I were explaining the facts about Falun Gong to people on the afternoon of January 10, 2014. We walked either side of a street about 12 feet wide. Right after I talked to an older gentleman, I saw two police officers coming towards me.

I looked across the street and realized that it was impossible to notify the other practitioner, who was clarifying the truth to three people with Falun Gong materials in hand.

I heard one of the officers say, “Falun Gong is distributing materials.” Both of them looked at the practitioner across the street and smiled to each other as they walked by me.

The practitioner looked at the police officers and at me. We also smiled to each other and continued what we were doing.

Master said:

“Glimpses of Goodness
Though an evil fog still lingers over China
Awareness of Dafa is spreading to each house
Lives are rescued, minds gradually awakened
Waking, police and citizens cease to obstruct
The masses know the evil Party is done for
All are talking about the CCP's cruel and evil deeds
Evildoers and their head are seeking a way out
Traditional ways are returning to rectify China”
(“Glimpses of Goodness” from Hong Yin III)

2. Message from a Chinese Person Who Has Quit the CCP

(China) I am very grateful to Ms. Lin Gan and everyone from New Tang Dynasty Television. Your voices give hope to people in China. You brought warmth to our hearts this cold winter. We are no longer lonely.

Thank you, Mr. Li Hongzhi. We wish you good health and a happy new year!

I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but I believe that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the truth of the universe. It is good news for future generations. Justice will prevail over evil. It is inevitable.

Greetings, Mr. Shi Tao! Your humorous comments about the CCP were right to the point. It made us excited and very pleased.

Please also forward my greetings to Mr. Xin Haonian. His broad knowledge broke through the lies of the CCP and exposed its evil nature. He recovered the true history of China. His love for the country brings us together. The totalitarian regime is doomed. We Chinese are completely confident about this.

Many CCP members do not know how to quit the CCP. Most of them know better than the general public just how evil the Party is.

Let's eliminate the CCP and reclaim our divine land of China.

Written on January 2, 2014.

3. Good People Would Not Join the CCP

(China) Many migrant workers told me that only ruffians and rogues join the CCP; good people would never join. Those ruffians join for money.

College students join the CCP so they can find better jobs. Very few of them truly believe in communism.

Most join the CCP for money and power. They think it brings them more opportunities for a position in the government.

Almost everyone hates the corruption of the CCP. Those who praise the authorities are rare.

Everyone who thinks clearly knows that the CCP may collapse at any time. More than 150 million Chines people have already quit the CCP and chosen a bright future for themselves.