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Ms. Xing Aixiang's Family Denied Visitation, Beaten and Threatened

February 16, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Family visits to imprisoned Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xing Aixiang were forbidden by the authorities of Xinxiang Women's Prison. The warden swore at the family members and beat them when they came to see Ms. Xing about six months into her sentence.

Ms. Xing's sentence should be due to end in July 2015. But her family recently learned that it could be extended until October 2015 just because she has not renounced Falun Gong.

Cheng Peng, director of the Zhengzhou City Domestic Security Division, along with several police officers, went to Ms. Xing's siblings' home and threatened them in an attempt to stop them from visiting her in the prison.

After two trials, the Jinshui District Court secretly sentenced Ms. Xing to a three-year prison term on February 20, 2013, without notifying her family. Her family wanted to hire a lawyer, but that was forbidden by the Zhengzhou Court.

Ms. Xing was illegally arrested on December 7, 2011, by officers from the Zhengzhou Domestic Security Division. They deceived her by knocking on her door posing as bill collectors.

Ms. Xing was first held at the Wanqing Village Brainwashing Center and later transferred to the Zhengzhou No. 1 Detention Center. Her family tried to visit her at the detention center and bring her some changes of clothes and blankets, but were refused by the detention center authorities.

2009 Arrest and Prison Sentence

Ms. Xing Aixiang was also arrested in 2009 and sentenced to one year in prison. Her home was ransacked at that time. She was later taken to Shibalihe Women's Prison. She was released after the prison extorted tens of thousands of yuan from her family.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Zhang Chuansheng (张传生), director of Xinxiang Women's Prison in Henan Province: +86-0373-5092576
Li (李某), staff member from the local 610 Office: +86-13523878416 (Cell)
Lu (吕某), head of the department of punishment: +86-13783731392 (Cell)
Cheng Peng (程鹏), director of Zhengzhou City Domestic Security Division: +86- 0371-66356510
Niu Xu (牛旭), guard in Xinxiang Women's Prison in Henan Province: +86-0373-5092692, +86-13403736357 (Cell)
Zuo Bowei (左擘伟), inspector of Jinshui District 610 Office in Zhengzhou City: +86-1365386855 (Cell)
Henan 610 Office: +86-0371-65902233, +86-0371-65904038