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Fire May be Extinguished or Rekindled Depending on Our Heart

October 12, 2014 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) Two years ago all the trees on the mountain to the north of our town burned down. I remember very clearly what happened.

A fire on the mountain was reported to the authorities in March 2012. More than a thousand people were mobilized and went to the mountain to help extinguish the fire. No progress was made for the first two days.

My husband (not a practitioner) was a leader in the effort to put out the fire. I spoke to him on the phone on the third day and he said, “The wind is very strong. We are exhausted. There is only a third of the forested area left. I don't think we can save it.” I told him I could ask the founder of Falun Dafa, who practitioners refer to as Master, for help, but that he must have faith that Master could help. He agreed.

I hung up the phone and began to ask Master for help. After sitting in meditation for some time, I heard gusts of wind. I looked, but no rain was coming. I then began sending forth righteous thoughts. When I finished, I looked out again and saw lots of leaves on the ground, but no sign of any rain.

My husband called around 5 p.m. and asked if it was raining. My home was more than 15 miles from the fire. I told him no. He told me that there had been heavy rainfall on the mountain that had put out the fire. I was truly happy to hear this and told him that he should express his gratitude to Master when he returned home. He said that he definitely would.

After returning home and thanking Master for help, my husband told me that while he was going up the mountain earlier that day, he recited, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He believed this was the real reason why it rained. Our mayor was on the mountain at that time and told my husband that he should have come the day before so that the fire could be put out a day earlier. My husband did not tell our mayor the real reason why it rained.

I asked my husband to tell me all he knew and the exact losses so I could write an article, but he said nothing. This was because he was strongly criticized by his superior for not stopping me from practicing Falun Dafa and allowing me to go to Beijing to petition for the right to practice Falun Dafa.

I warned him that if he refused to tell the truth behind the rain, he would be considered unfavorable by gods. Furthermore, the fire could be rekindled. He listened to what I said but did not reply. He did not know how to deal with the pressure from his boss, a faithful member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The next day, the fire on the mountain rekindled. People were told to go to the mountain to extinguish the fire. Many people complained and some elderly people said, “Good is always rewarded with good and evil is met with evil. Our officials must have done something wrong to deserve this.” My husband understood what happened, but he did not dare to tell the truth and could not ask Master for help.” He returned to the mountain to battle the fire for another three days. Eventually, all the forested areas on the mountain were gone.

Today I asked my husband about reporting the truth about the situation. He agreed. He said, “Battling with the fire for one week requires a significant amount of manpower, tools and money. Hundreds of acres of forest were lost. It was a disaster.”

The fire may be extinguished or rekindled. What matters is our heart!