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Experiencing the Power of Falun Dafa

January 31, 2014 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Even though my Falun Dafa cultivation path has been pretty normal, I have encountered miraculous occurrences that demonstrate the power of Dafa.

Miraculous Effects of Stating One's Belief in Dafa

A large government concrete factory is being built in my village, forcing many of the villagers to relocate their homes. This relocation began two years ago and new homes are being built where I live. During the construction, a group of carpenters were supposed to have lunch at my home.

Generally, there is a break after lunch and I used it to talk to the construction workers about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Once the workers understand why I tell them the facts about the practice, they are happy to take a Falun Dafa amulet and withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and/or its associated organizations. Some even recited loudly the following nine words, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

One worker who worked on the roof said, “I did not feel safe to work on the roof until you gave me the amulet.”

One day it rained real hard and they could not work, so they came to my home. The next day during lunch, Duan, one of the workers, said, “The nine words you told us to recite are quite miraculous. Yesterday, I was reciting them while riding my motorcycle back home. I had to go slowly because the road was wet and slippery. Upon arriving at home my wife was surprised to find that my clothes were dry and only my shoes were wet. My family members wanted me to ask you for amulets. When I have time, I also want to practice Falun Dafa.”

Vision Brings a Non-Believer to Falun Dafa

One day I spoke to a group of roofers. A fellow named Chen kept interfering, asking loudly and repeatedly, “Do you get paid for what you do or practice?” I told him that receiving blessings was more important than getting money, but he did not listen. I did not argue with him. Instead, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil spirits controlling him.

I then went to speak to a different group of workers. One fellow understood what I said. He took some fact sheets and CDs. I also gave him a Falun Dafa amulet and he was willing to withdraw from the CCP and its associated organizations. At this point his brother came over smiling and said that he wanted to withdraw too. The actions of these two brothers influenced many other workers to also withdraw from the CCP and its affiliates.

Later on, Mr. Chen, the fellow who was interfering with me when I was talking to the roofers, came knocking at my door. After I asked him to come in, he said, “While I didn't believe what you were saying, I'd like to find out more about your practice. The reason is that at a distance I saw a white cloud hovering above your head and your face appeared like a teenage girl. However, when you walked by me, you looked the same as before.” I then had him watch Teacher's first lecture. While watching the lecture, he went to the restroom twice and he said he had a tingling feeling all over his body. I knew that it was because Teacher was purifying his body. He decided that he wanted to practice Falun Dafa and wanted to borrow my lecture CDs.

The Power of Righteous Thoughts

A few days ago I went with practitioner A to visit practitioner B whose children are working in the city. She needed help with babysitting her grandchildren.

A while back, practitioner B told us that she had problems in her cultivation practice and therefore experienced illness symptoms. This created difficulties with her family because they didn't understand why she didn't want to go for a checkup at the local hospital. This incident gave a bad impression about Falun Dafa to her family. Therefore, we were looking for an opportunity to talk to her family.

When we explained the reason why a cultivator would not use medicine to practitioner B's husband, he didn't agree with us and he continued to criticize Falun Dafa.

We realized that we had to remove the evil elements that were controlling him, so we began sending forth righteous thoughts. A few minutes later, her husband's tone changed. He indicated that he was a supporter of Falun Dafa and that he would like to apologize to Teacher for the harsh words he used earlier. Furthermore, he said he believed that practitioners were good people. We truly appreciated the power of righteous thoughts.