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A Guard Asks a Practitioner Released after 10 Years in Prison, "Will You Sue Me?"

January 16, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hubei Province

(Minghui.org) Ms. Nan Min, a Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to five years not once, but twice, and spent ten years in the same prison. When she was released on August 14, 2013, a guard asked her timidly, “Will you sue me?”

Ms. Nan Min

Two Five-Year Sentences

Ms. Nan was an accountant at Jianan Company in Luotian County, Hubei Province. In 2001 after her trip to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, she was arrested and sentenced to five years.

She served her sentence in Wuhan Women’s Prison. After she was released, the police continued to harass, follow, and monitor her and she could not live in peace. She left her hometown and went to Wuhan, where she started her own business as a vendor.

When she opened her shop for business at 9 a.m. on August 19, 2008, several police officers appeared, apprehended her, and took her to Luotian County Police Department. After interrogation, she was sent to a detention center.

On May 5, 2009, Ms. Nan was handed a second five-year sentence by the CCP controlled court. She was sent back to Wuhan Women’s Prison on September 18.

Hung Up, Extended Standing

Ms. Nan was locked up in a solitary cell used for torturing Falun Gong practitioners. Guards Zheng and Guo Jiajia handcuffed her behind her back and hung her up so that she had to stand on her toes. Later, a guard brought a tiny stool for her to stand on. In the evening, they cuffed her hands to a window frame. The handcuffing lasted three days.

On the fourth day, the guards made her stand for 24 hours. She was not allowed to sleep, wash or brush her teeth, and she could not change her clothes or underwear. Thirty days later, she could not stand up straight or walk, but the guards still forced her to go downstairs four times a day. In order to conceal her condition, the guards assigned criminal inmates Tang Anyan and Feng Guihua to drag her through the crowd.

Torture re-enactment: Hanging by handcuffs

Sleep Deprivation

Ms. Nan was only allowed to sleep two hours after midnight and then forced to wake up and stand. This routine lasted for three months. While she was standing, she was ordered to write a “thought report.” One day she asked permission to sit down to write her report. Enraged guard Guo Jiajia handcuffed her to the window frame in the cold and kept her there from midnight to 6 a.m. Because she refused to be “transformed,” inmates Tang Anyan and Feng Guihua used violence on her several times a day.

The long- term standing caused Ms. Han severe harm. Her legs swelled and the skin peeled off her feet. She had to wear extra-large shoes. She was only allowed two hours of sleep a night and only had ice cold water to wash and brush her teeth.

In 2011, frustrated by her strong resistance to being “transformed,” guard Liu Jun made Ms. Nan stand for two hours every night for three months. One day Ms. Nan needed to use the toilet, and criminal inmate Hu Hanli hit her so hard that she fell down. Hu Hanli also stomped on Ms. Nan’s stomach. When Ms. Nan called out, four guards came. They asked her, “Who is your witness?” The criminal inmates often mistreated practitioners to please the guards and reduce their own sentences. One day Ms. Nan refused to read a book that slandered Dafa. Guard Wang Yan ordered her to stand for three days and nights straight.

Starved and Kicked

In November 2012, first prison ward head Wei told the guards that Ms. Nan was to be “transformed” by any means. The guards assigned two of their most sinister inmates, Zhang Xixiang and Liu Xiao-Er. They hit and cursed her, made her stand and did not let her sleep or use the toilet. Her daily food allowance was reduced to a few bites, and she was not allowed drinking water. Zhan Xixiang grabbed her hair and hit her head against the wall. She also kicked Ms. Nan’s leg repeatedly. Her legs were covered with purple bruises, and she was unable to squat down.

Torture reenactment: Grabbing hair to hit wall

One day guards Wang Yan and Zhou An told inmate Zhang Xixiang to apply mosquito repellent to Ms. Nan’s eyes and nostrils. Later Zhou An joined and injected the liquid into Ms. Nan’s mouth.

Angered by Ms. Nan's defiance, the guards told Zhang Xixiang to write slanderous words about Dafa on her clothes. Inmate Wang Hongju attacked Ms. Nan five times. After she was attacked by Wang Hongju, Ms. Nan reported to guard Zhou An, who asked her, “Where did she hit you? Do you have a witness?” She told Ms. Nan to write a self-criticism statement.

For three years, Ms. Nan was not allowed to sleep before 2 am. She was banned from calling or seeing her family members and she was not allowed to purchase any personal items.

Related article: "Transforming" Falun Gong Remains the Primary Objective at Wuhan Women's Prison