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Ms. Zhang Changying Arrested

January 15, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hunan Province, China


Summary of Key Persecution Facts:

Name: Zhang Changying (张嫦英)


Tongdao County, Hunan Province
Retired employee

Date of Most Recent Arrest:
December 20, 2013

Most Recent Place of Detention:
Lianshan Township Police Station


Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, brainwashing, beatings, hung up, imprisonment, extortion

Ms. Zhang Changying, Ms. Xiang Dongmei, and an elderly couple were illegally arrested by officers from the Lianshan Township Police Station in Huitong County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province on December 20, 2013. The elderly couple was released on December 22, but Ms. Zhang and Ms. Xiang are still in detention.

Ms. Zhang Changying, 60, used to work for the Tongdao County Marketing Cooperative. She has been detained many times for her belief. The authorities would detain her for several months around “sensitive dates,” and charge her high prices for food provided during the detention.

Ms. Zhang wandered from place to place for nine years to avoid further persecution. At around 10am on the morning of November 17, 2011, just one month after she returned to her home, seven or eight people from the Tongdao County 610 Office, including Ou Guowei, Wu Xiaoling, and a man with the surname Lu, broke into her home. They tried to make her write statements giving up her belief. When she refused, they arrested and detained her in the Huaihua Brainwashing Center.

The police forced her to watch videos slandering Falun Gong. She was not allowed to do the Falun Gong exercises, sit with her legs crossed, sleep, or shower. She was allowed only one meal per day.

For nine days, from December 2 to 10, Ms. Zhang was hung in the air with her hands cuffed high and her toes barely touching the ground. She was beaten and slapped by officer Liu Qimei, which caused tinnitus. Her feet and hands showed severe bruising from this torture, and felt numb and painful. Her wrist bones were exposed to the air, which caused the wounds to bleed and then fill with pus.

The police threatened that if she refused to give up her belief, they would arrest her husband, daughter, and two sisters. Ms. Zhang was tortured for an entire month at the Huaihua Brainwashing Center.

Related article: Ms. Zhang Changying Hung up for Nine Days in Huaihua Brainwashing Center, Hunan Province