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One-armed Man Tortured in Labor Camp

Jan. 14, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

( Minghui.org )

Summary of Key Persecution Facts: Name: Li Jian (李健)
Approximately 36
Huangshiliang Village, Caofan Town, Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province (山东章丘市曹范黄石良村)
Date of Most Recent Arrest:
June 15, 2013
Most Recent Place of Detention:
Shandong Second Forced Labor Camp (山东第二劳教所)
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, home ransacked, brutal beatings, solitary confinement, torture, slave labor, handcuffed for over 30 hours

Mr. Li Jian is a Falun Gong practitioner who was born with only one arm. He was arrested in June 2013 and made to serve 18 months of forced labor because he practiced Falun Gong. He was beaten with wooden and bamboo clubs by police in the Second Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province. Officer Li Gongming handcuffed his arm to the window bars in a bathroom for more than 30 hours.

Mr. Li has been sent to forced labor twice. He was reported to the police by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary in a nearby village when he clarified the facts about Falun Gong to him in June 2012.

Political Instructor Gao Wei and officer Ren Desheng from the Caofan Police Station arrested Mr. Li on the morning of June 15 and ransacked his home, confiscating many Falun Gong books. In the police station, Officer Gao Wei slapped him, which caused tinnitus and an accumulation of pus in his right ear. That day Mr. Li was taken to the Zhangqiu City Detention Center.

Mr. Li was admitted to the Shandong Second Forced Labor Camp two weeks later to serve 18 months. He was detained in a counseling room shortly after arriving. The guards assigned prisoners Wang Li (a thief) and He Haijun to persecute him.

Mr. Li was beaten with wooden and bamboo clubs after refusing to give up his belief in Falun Gong. After being brutally beaten for half an hour, Mr. Li went into convulsions and screamed in pain.

Mr. Li was locked in a storage room in the afternoon and forced to sit on a square brick without moving. He was whipped with bamboo sticks whenever he moved off the brick.

Mr. Li was detained in solitary confinement for five months. Officer Li Gongming assigned prisoners to torture and try to brainwash him, eventually forcing him to temporarily give up his belief.

However, Mr. Li submitted a statement on September 4, 2012, declaring that he would resume the practice of Falun Gong. Deputy captain Liu Lin called Mr. Li to his office at around 11:30 p.m. and ordered him to tear up the statement.

Mr. Li refused, and clarified the facts about Falun Gong to him. Mr. Li told him that according to the Constitution, people have freedom of belief, that he was not guilty of any crime, and that it was illegal for the police to persecute him. Liu Lin refused to listen, and hit Mr. Li's back and buttocks with rubber clubs until he tired. Mr. Li was covered in bruises.

Torture reenactment: Brutal beating

After five months in solitary, the guards ordered Mr. Li to wear a prisoner uniform and assemble diodes. He protested and refused to do the slave labor. Officer Li Gongming beat him three times with a whip made from hemp rope. He then cuffed his only arm to the window bars in a bathroom for one day and two nights.