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Beijing Software Engineer Subjected to Five-Month Solitary Confinement at Xinan Forced Labor Camp

September 28, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing


Summary of Key Persecution Facts

Name: Cui Xuelei (崔雪蕾)
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Software engineer
Date of Most Recent Arrest: October 18, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Xinan Forced Labor Camp in Beijing (北京市新安劳教所)
City: Beijing
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, forced labor, illegal sentencing, beatings, solitary confinement, torture, fired from workplace, home ransacked, interrogation, detention, denial of restroom use

Mr. Cui Xuelei is a Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing. He was sent to the Xinan Forced Labor Camp in Beijing and beginning on February 20, 2013, he was subjected to five months in solitary confinement. He was forced to stay in a tiny cell only 10 square feet and was monitored and threatened both day and night. He was not released until the forced labor camp closed in July.

Mr. Cui was born in 1980 in Shandong Province. He began practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and works as a software engineer in Beijing.

Illegally Arrested and Interrogated with Torture

Mr. Cui was arrested in front of his company on the morning of October 18, 2012. On his way to work, he distributed several Shen Yun DVDs and told people the facts about Falun Gong. He was seen by several policemen in plainclothes, who then followed him all the way to his company, where they illegally arrested him.

Torture Re-enactment: Handcuffing behind the back with one hand crossed over a shoulder

The police took him to the Jiangtai Police Station in the Chaoyang District of Beijing and interrogated him using torture. They put a black bag over his head and handcuffed his hands together behind his back with one hand crossed over a shoulder. The police also severely beat him with their fists, perforating his left eardrum.

At noon they ransacked his home. They took his personal belongings, as well as some Shen Yun video discs. The night Mr. Cui was transferred to the Chaoyang District Detention Center.

Illegally Sentenced to Two and a Half Years in Xinan Forced Labor Camp and Brutally Tortured

The authorities then sentenced him, without any legal proceedings, to two and a half years of forced labor. On December 4, 2012, Mr. Cui was transferred to the Xinan Forced Labor Camp and detained in Ward 5.

He refused to wear the detainee uniform, as he didn’t acknowledge the communist regime’s unlawful sentence. To punish Mr. Cui, guard Li Wei forced him to sit on a small stool for long periods of time. It was winter and very cold, but he was only allowed to wear very thin clothes. His shoes and socks were taken away, leaving his feet bare.

Torture Re-enactment: Sitting on a small stool for long periods of time

On February 20, 2013, Mr. Cui was transferred to Ward 2, where more than 80 practitioners were incarcerated and being brutally persecuted.

As a form of torture, some practitioners had to sit on very small stools from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day. The guards took turns monitoring them both day and night and required them to report all their activities. A practitioner could not even drink water until the guards approved his request.

The practitioners imprisoned in Ward 2 were subjected to various forms of torture: Some were not allowed to use the restroom, some were forbidden from taking showers for a long time. The guards also deprived them of sleep. They woke practitioners up every half an hour all night long. If a practitioner refused to submit, he would be sent to a special team that tortured practitioners more severely.

Many practitioners were subjected to solitary confinement in Ward 2. They were put in a very tiny room less than 11 square feet for at least 10 days. They had to do everything in that room, even relieve themselves.

Mr. Cui was also subjected to solitary confinement. On February 20, 2013, he was put into such a tiny room and forced to sit from morning to night every day. He was not allowed to take showers and had to eat, sleep, and relieve himself in the room.

The guards took turns monitoring him. They also called his relatives to collect information about him and his family, and then used the information to pressure and threaten him, attempting to "transform" him.

Despite such physical and mental torment, Mr. Cui still remained steadfast in his belief in Falun Gong, which helped him through the five months in solitary.

In June this year, when the labor camp was about to close, many detainees were released, but Mr. Cui was not because he refused to write the Three Statements.

He was not released until July 5 when the forced labor camp was officially closed. Nevertheless, the labor camp officials still demanded he give them his contact information and home address to continue monitoring him afterward.

Family Also Hurt as a Result of the Persecution

After Mr. Cui returned home, he learned that after he was arrested on October 18, 2012, his mother-in-law suffered from acute appendicitis and was taken to the hospital 11 days later. The family didn't have enough money to cover her operation. His brother-in-law quit his job to take care of her. His five-year-old son had no one to care of him. Pressured by the CCP agents, his employer also fired him.