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Master Helps Me Benevolently Resolve a Bad Karmic Relationship and an Old Forces Arrangement

September 27, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I wish to tell Master and share with fellow practitioners how Master helped me benevolently resolve a bad karmic relationship and walk away from an old forces' arrangement during the past year.

Although my husband and I had grown up miles apart, we got married after attending the same class at university. After graduation we visited his family. Upon seeing his mother I felt that we were at odds. Over 20 years have passed since that first visit and we had a lot of disagreements during those years, bickering back and forth. Our discord had reached the point that my mind was troubled when I did the Falun Dafa exercises early in the morning.

I finally discovered a possible reason for our squabbles. One night, my husband had a dream that suggested I had killed my mother-in-law during one of my past lives and that this was the source of our bad karmic relationship.

A Predestined Relationship Prompts Me to Discard Personal Grudges

One night I read a Minghui article and then sent forth righteous thoughts at 9 p.m. A thought came to my mind, suggesting that, in a past life, my mother-in-law knew that I was going to practice Falun Dafa. To establish a predestined relationship with me, she allowed me to kill her.

It really doesn't matter if the karmic relationship was good or bad, the fact is we had a predestined relationship, allowing her to follow me. Thinking about this, I burst into tears. If I didn't cultivate well, how could I be worthy of Master saving me? What about the hopes of my sentient beings? From that day on, I discarded all my personal grudges against my mother-in-law. When we met again, she said to me, “Your cultivation way is so good, I want to learn it, too.”

Voiding an Arrangement with the Old Forces

My husband opposed my practicing Falun Dafa when I began to cultivate. After years of clarifying the facts about Falun Dafa, he began to study the Fa, did the exercises on and off, and even distributed Falun Dafa materials.

However, he had not given up drinking. He was fine when sober, but after he started drinking, he changed into a different person, abusing and insulting me.

I looked inward and found that I had the attachments of competition, resentment, sentimentality, and fear. I decided to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them.

One day he was drunk when he returned home and began to fight me, so I immediately sent righteous thoughts. Suddenly I held the thought, “Void the contract with the old forces, don't acknowledge any of their arrangements, just walk the path that Master arranged for me, and dismiss all others.”

He left and went to the restroom. On his return he noticed that I was massaging my stomach to alleviate my stomachache, and he said, “You're not well, but look how I treat you. Let's just go to sleep.” Since that episode, he no longer drank until he no longer realized what he was doing.

Thank you, Master, for helping your disciple benevolently resolve a bad karmic relationship and deny an old-force arrangement!