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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Jilin Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (22 Greetings) (Images)

September 20, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) The original Minghui.org report linked to at the bottom of this page features 22 cards and greetings.

To respectfully wish compassionate great Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and express their gratitude for Master's compassionate salvation, practitioners both inside and outside China send congratulatory messages through the Minghui website. What follows is only a portion of the greetings received from practitioners in Jilin Province, China.

Greetings were received from practitioners in the following cities, counties and districts:

Baicheng City; Liaoyuan City; Lishu County, Siping City; Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture; Wangqing County.

These practitioners include the elderly and the young, practitioners in Fa-study groups, a mother and two daughters; three sisters in a family; and a practitioner's family of six.