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Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Rongyang City Imprisoned for Their Faith

August 18, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) The following is a summary of the cases of three Falun Dafa practitioners from Rongyang City, who have been illegally arrested and imprisoned for their faith.

Mr. Jing Jianxin Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

Officials from the Rongyang City 610 Office and Domestic Security Division arrested Mr. Jing Jianxin at work at 6 p.m. on May 17, 2012. The police ransacked his house and confiscated his printer, DVD burner, computer, cash and other personal belongings.

The following day, Mr. Jing's wife, Ms. Xi Feng, went to Gaocun Township Police Station to ask for his release. Police handcuffed her to a chair for 5 days and gave her only a little food and water. She was not allowed to use the restroom for 15 days.

Mr. Jing was held in the Sanlizhuang Detention Center, where he was tortured. His family was not allowed to visit him.

Following a secret trial, he was taken to Xinmi Prison for a 7-year term. His family was not informed until after his transfer to the prison.

Ms. Tan Qingzhi Detained for Over 10 Months

Ms. Tan Qingzhi was arrested the same day as Mr. Jing and has been detained for close to 10 months. Her husband, Mr. Zhou Guoxuan, was on his way home at the time of the arrest. To avoid being arrested as well, he left home and became homeless.

Police ransacked the couple's home and stole a large amount of cash.

Ms. Tan was initially held in the Sanlizhuang Detention Center. The detention center did not allow her family to visit her. Since November 2012, she has been incarcerated in the No. 2 Detention Center in Zhangzhou. Family visits have been forbidden there as well.

Mr. Fan Baiyin Sent to Forced Labor Camp

On May 31, 2013 police from the Rongyang Domestic Security Division and Gaocun Police Station arrested Mr. Fan Baiyin and took him to the Sanlizhuang Detention Center.

It has been reported that Mr. Fan has been transferred to the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou and tortured there.

People and Agencies Involved in the Persecution:

Li Jianming, director, Gaocun Township Police Station: +86-13703996290 (C)
Wang Xizhou, Communist Party secretary, Gaocun Township: +86-64968168 (O), +86-13938214567 (C)
Li Zhanguo, mayor, Gaocun Township: +86-64852277, +86-13700855037 (C)
Du Ying, director, Gaocun Township: +86-15838048333 (C)
Zhao Songfu, Party secretary, Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-64680518, +86-13703982999 (C)
Zhou Hongxia, 610 Office, Political and Legal Affairs Committee
Gao Jiangong, deputy Party secretary: +86-371-64676977, +86-13592522299 (C)
Wu Xinyan, deputy director, 610 Office: +86-371-64677610, +86-13700855985 (C)
Ma Wenxue, deputy director, 610 Office: +86-64677610, +86-13676900077 (C)
Zhao Weidong, head, Domestic Security Division, Rongyang City Police Department: +86-371-64669169