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Russia: Practitioners Hold an Event at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg Exposing the Persecution

August 01, 2013 |   By a Russian Falun Gong practitioner

(Minghui.org) Russian Falun Gong practitioners from St. Petersburg held a protest event on July 20, 2013 in front of the Chinese Consulate. They later went to Finland Station Square to practice the exercises, and spread the facts by displaying truth-clarifying panels. They called for the Chinese Communist regime to stop the persecution that has been ongoing for fourteen years.

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises

Despite drizzle, people learn the facts by reading the display panels

People sign petition calling for ending the persecution

Despite rain, Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises, prepared large display panels, and exposed the persecution happening in China. Many passersby were shocked, and found the persecution facts astonishing. Many people signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution.