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Saving People in the Workplace

July 06, 2013 |   By a practitioner in Liaoning Province, China


Greetings, merciful Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I am writing this article to share my thoughts and experiences of validating the Fa and saving people in my workplace. If there are any flaws, please kindly point them out.

Since graduating from college, I have worked in a state-owned company as a technician, a workshop director, a technical chief, a technical deputy manager, a manager, and in other positions. After witnessing my wife recover from cancer, I too started practicing Falun Dafa.

In the beginning, my understanding of the Fa was very basic. I thought that Dafa practitioners were good people, better than average. Doing one's job well and being a good person are ways to improve one's xinxing and cultivate oneself, so I worked diligently. I was never afraid of doing dirty or tiring work. Sometimes, I even took the initiative to help others. After a while, everyone wanted to be friends with me.

As I studied the Fa further, I understood that every Dafa practitioner has his or her own mission. Working conscientiously and being a good person are not enough. Cultivating well, assimilating to and validating the Fa, and saving people is the way to fulfill my prehistoric vow. As a particle of Dafa, no matter what role I play, the real aim is to validate the Fa and help Master to save predestined people.

As this Fa principle became clear to me, I began to clarify the facts about Dafa to my colleagues, employees, student interns, and supervisors based my good relationship with them. I told them about the beauty of Dafa and the awards that Dafa has received all over the world.

I also told them about the persecution under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the nature of the Party, about the well-known rock formation that had the characters "Death to the CCP" mysteriously carved into it, and that the heavens will eliminate the Party. I persuaded them to quit the CCP and gave them informational materials to read. I also told them to memorize “Falun Dafa is good” so that they would be blessed. In this way, many people learned the facts about Dafa and quit the CCP. Some of them even started practicing!

Once, our accountant’s son swallowed a coin. He later threw up everything he ate. At the hospital, a doctor found the coin was in his small intestine. Surgery was not recommended because the child was too young. The doctor suggested observing him for several more days–if the coin still did not pass, then they would do surgery.

Two days later, the coin was still in his small intestine. The accountant was very worried. I told him, “Tell your son to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You and your wife should recite it, too. Maybe there will be a miracle.”

The next afternoon, the accountant told me excitedly, “Falun Gong is amazing! My son didn’t defecate or have stomach pain. When we took him back to the hospital, the coin had disappeared! Thank you so much!” I told him to thank our Master and clarified the facts to him. He was glad to quit the CCP. I also gave him a car ornament with “Falun Dafa is good” written on it.

Another time, I was driving to meet a client. While I waited at an intersection, I heard a “bang!” A bicycle had hit my car and left three deep marks on it. Soon, a large crowd gathered. One bystander said, “Be careful! If you hit a Jetta or Charade, it’s not a big deal. But you hit such an expensive car! Do you know that it will cost thousands to get it fixed?” The frightened bicyclist said, “My nephew was stabbed and is in the ER now. I was in a hurry to bring money. I didn’t notice the light and hit your car. Misfortunes never come alone. Here's 500 yuan to get your car fixed.”

I saw he was really in a hurry, so I said, “I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Our Master asked us to think about others no matter what happens. You didn’t do it on purpose. You were in a hurry. I won’t take your money. I will tell you the words ‘Falun Dafa is good.’ Please recite it sincerely. You will be blessed.” Someone in the crowd exclaimed, “Saving 500 yuan in exchange for five words–you met a good person!” I told the onlookers, “Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ You will all be blessed.” The voices of the crowd resonanted: “Falun Dafa is good!”

When I ran my fingers down the scratches on the car, they disappeared–it was only dirt. Only a hairline scratch remained. Again, I witnessed the wonder of “Good or evil comes from a person's spontaneous thought” (Zhuan Falun) . The only scratch was left because I was a little distressed when my beloved car was hit. Master used this way to lead predestined people to me and allow me to tell them the truth about Dafa and save them.

As the technical deputy manager, I used Fa principles to lead the student interns in our office to be patient with each other and treat one another with compassion and honesty.

At a certain time each day, everyone shared the biggest lesson they learned that day. I participated, too. We learned from one another and improved together. We were like brothers and sisters. Their professional abilities and skills also improved quickly. Seeing this, some other companies sent their interns to our program. During that time, after a group of students who had quit the CCP left, another group came, and I asked them to quit. Master enlightened me to the meaning of , “All beings came for the Fa” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference”).

In this way, my workplace became a stage from which I validate the Fa and clarify the truth. I get to know people at work so that I can save them. I am delighted to see how grateful they are to Dafa after they are saved.

Master has said, “To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (Zhuan Falun) . Therefore, xinxing tests can occur at any time.

On my way home from work one of my colleagues came up to me and said, “Someone reported you for clarifying the truth and persuading people to quit the CCP. Be careful!”

I smiled, “Thanks! I will be fine, because I have Master protecting me.”

Although I said it, there must have been something wrong with me or I wouldn't have been reported. Then I recalled Master’s Fa,

“The old forces don't dare to oppose our clarifying the truth or saving sentient beings. What's key is to not let them take advantage of the gaps in your state of mind when you do things.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston”).

I started to look inside myself. I found many attachments that I should let go of: the attachment of fear, the attachment of judging people by their appearance, the attachment of zealotry after I saw people being saved, the attachment to doing things using my position at work, the attachment of showing off when I felt that I was doing a great job, etc.

Behind all these attachments, there was one more serious attachment—that of validating myself. This is the start of demonic interference from one’s own mind.

Master said,

“No matter how high one’s cultivation level is, once this problem occurs one will fall all the way to the bottom and, in the end, be ruined.” (Zhuan Falun)

I gasped and then sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve the dirty attachments. My wife also helped me send forth righteous thoughts to clear away all the lives and factors that control everyday people to commit crimes against Dafa practitioners and that prevent people from knowing the truth and being saved.

A long time after one of the managers quit the CCP, I accompanied my wife to visit his home and teach his wife the Falun Dafa exercises. The manager said, “Not long ago, the director of the security department and some police officers came to our company to investigate your practicing Falun Gong. I sent them away.” I deeply felt Master's merciful protection and the seriousness of cultivation.

It’s impossible to describe the power of Dafa in words. When I wrote this article, I felt encouraged and empowered by Master several times. Sometimes I felt warm and surrounded by a strong power; sometimes I was in tears and was touched by Master's boundless mercy and Buddha's blessing.

Above are my personal understandings. Please kindly point out any mistakes.