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My Family Rejoices Together for the Goodness of Dafa

July 23, 2013 |   By a Dafa disciple in Changchun, China

(Minghui.org) I was a chief accountant of a company in Jilin Province before I was forced to retire in 2000. Every Dafa disciple's cultivation process is like a novel. Let me share mine.

1. Before I began cultivation

After graduating in 1978, I was assigned to work in a company in Jilin Province. I was there for more than 20 years. The management team under my charge was among the best in our system, and our system was only one of a handful of its kind in the same industry in the country.

It was here that I met my husband, and we happily started a family. Afterwards, we were promoted to different leadership positions in different companies.

Because I was brainwashed by the “Party culture” for many years, I was assertive and aggressive both at home and at work. Years of mental and physical exhaustion finally lead to overwork, and I suffered up to eight or nine health problems, including pyelonephritis, systemic arthritis, severe insomnia, coccyx fracture sequelae, etc.

The term “double whammy” perfectly describes what happened to us next. In 1994, my husband had something wrong with his brain, and he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. The moment I heard the diagnosis, my mind went blank. Faced with this unexpected calamity, I cried all night.

We went to a hospital in Beijing for treatment. The experts agreed that the tumor in my husband's head was beyond their ability to surgically remove. So, he began a conservative treatment that combined Chinese and Western medicine and injections. Later, my husband's condition became more serious, and he would have spasms from time to time.

During those days, I really felt that life had come to an end and I was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown. During that time, we had two medicine pots boiling all day long, boiling the medicine needed for the two of us.

2. Dramatic change after we began cultivating in Dafa

In April 1995, my husband left work early one day and brought home two books, Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong. My husband said that they had been given to him by a colleague eight months before. That night, both of us each read one of the books. As I read Falun Gong, when I reached page 7 or 8, the sleep that had eluded me for a long time came over me and I fell asleep immediately. I understood afterwards that the insomnia and illnesses that had followed me like a gray cloud for many years left me at that moment. One week later, after we finished reading the two books, we went to a nearby practice site to start practicing the exercises.

After my husband started cultivating, his body and mind underwent a very big change. His complexion became rosy and he suddenly had energy. The severe pain in his lumbar disc completely healed. The mental fatigue caused by the “brain tumor” was all gone, and the doctors said that it was a miracle. After he began cultivating, my husband fully dedicated himself to work and made very significant achievements. In 1995, he was named the advanced worker of Jilin provincial government office, which is the only special contribution award in Jilin provincial government.

After I had cultivated for over a month, I started attending Master's lecture video class. On the second day of class, after Master had been speaking for half an hour, I felt something spinning in my abdomen. My whole body got warm and I felt very comfortable. I was very excited as the places that the Falun was spinning was treating illnesses. I understood that Falun in my lower abdomen was installed by Master.

After I finished reading Zhuan Falun, my whole body and mind changed completely and I felt invigorated. My view of the world underwent great changes, and I experienced a qualitative leap in the realm of the mind. With my long-held stubbornness and rigidity removed, my heart was filled with compassion. Laughter and peacefulness once again returned to our home that had been on the brink of ruin.

During this period of time, one after the other, the young and old in our family stepped onto the path and began practicing Falun Dafa. It was a special period of time. I would wake up at four every morning because I felt as though someone was calling me.

At the practice site, there was no hustle, bustle, or noise. The intrigue and competitive mentality that drives everyday people did not exist there. Instead there was only a group of sincere, kind, tolerant, and patience individuals that pursued the truth of the universe regardless of the hardship they endured. I loved this piece of pure land, the pure atmosphere and these people who were constantly purified by Dafa. They were immaculate, kind and peaceful.

Before practicing every morning, the coordinator read Zhuan Falun to everyone for half an hour. The early spring in the North is so cold that one has to wear two sweaters. For the first month, I would sleep when the coordinator began reading Zhuan Falun. I would wake up after the reading was done (there was illness in my brain which was being treated). Although it was cold outside, I felt warm and comfortable. Afterwards, we would start practicing. I would feel physically and mentally relaxed after practicing. Greeting the rising sun, I went to work with my heart feeling so pleasant and relaxed.

3. The process of cultivating solidly

Through reading Zhuan Falun regularly, my body and mind were continuously changing. For so many years I had felt hopeless, now I finally found joy and hope and felt I had found my destiny. Master taught me the universal principles of returning to one's original, true self and brought me out of misery. I started to cultivate solidly.

a. Falun Dafa taught me to cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and be a good person

Master said:

“To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.”

“Zhen-Shan-Ren is the sole criterion to discern good and bad people”

“The above are the two reasons for not being able to increase gong. Without knowing the Fa at high levels, one cannot practice cultivation. Without cultivating one’s inner self and one’s xinxing, one cannot increase gong. These are the two reasons.” (Zhuan Falun)

After learning Dafa, I knew how to face my problems. First, I understood the kind of attitude that I should use towards my husband's illness, which was to be a good wife and mother and fulfill my responsibilities. Second, I should always use the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at work and reduce my concerns for reputation, self-interest, and feelings and try my best to do my job well. Third, when at home, I should treat my mother-in-law as I would treat my own mother and I should not be overly sentimental towards my own mother.

I lived by the principles of a cultivator. Every morning, I would participate in the group exercises at the park and go for small group Fa-study at night. I would maintain my xinxing at work during the day, and before going to sleep at night, I would look inwards to check my words and actions, whether they met the requirements of Dafa. If I did not maintain my xinxing, I reminded myself to do better next time. I studied the Fa seriously and began to look inwards when I encountered challenges. In a short while, my body and mind underwent a tremendous change. Previously, my skin was sallow and I always appeared to be sad. Now, I have a healthy glow and am full of energy. I let go of all conflicts and resentments towards others and I looked at them anew. I felt that everything had been given a fresh start, so I would think of others and take the initiative to resolve many grudges. After breaking through this shackle of qing, my body and mind became relaxed.

A department manager said to me, “You have changed. Even your working methods have changed.”

It is really like what Master said:

“All the affairs, countless, over long, drawn-out years
pass like a wisp of smoke.
And though they leave the common man confused,
For what were the vast heavens and earth created?
‘Tis baffling, this question, to the sentient beings.”
(“Dafa Breaks the Illusion” in Hong Yin)

In 1994, my husband had used his privilege at work to obtain a house. After cultivating, we returned the house immediately; we quietly handed the money to the finance department for the old furniture that had been taken from the company to my mother's house; we ripped up the receipts for the taxi rides that should not be reimbursed; we did not submit tuition receipts that should not be submitted for reimbursement; we tore up the receipts for medicine that should not be reimbursed; we refused gifts from contractors and businesses; etc. So many things. Through studying a great deal of the Fa every day, I clearly experienced the rapid breakthrough in xinxing during solid cultivation, and my body was constantly being purified.

To benefit the company and its employees, we are fair and reasonable and adhere to the Fa's principles. This is the concrete manifestation of Falun Dafa disciples cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I have to fight day and night for nearly two months for the annual planning of the “business management contracting program,” which includes financial budgeting. Before cultivating I was always exhausted after completing this project. When the employees receive their bonuses at year's end, I was so tired that I nearly collapsed. After cultivating, I was completely different.

That was no longer me. Our company also set up a group to develop a “business management contracting program,” and we worked overtime day and night. Whenever I felt tired, I would do the exercises to adjust my body. When I stayed up late and felt that I did not have enough sleep, I meditated before going to sleep, and all the problems would be resolved. I had plenty of energy and achieved twice the results with half the effort.

One day at the meeting after the newly appointed CEO was in place, he proposed to establish a small treasury of one hundred thousand yuan. Several people in the management group quickly agreed. Only I did not make a stand. Because no matter how much in favor the other members were, the CEO had to work with me at the end. When he asked my opinion, I asked to talk to him alone. He said reluctantly, “Well, just this once!”

During our conversation, I used the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance to think for the CEO and our employees. I took myself out of the equation and let go of everything and sincerely and responsibly put forward my advice, which was to give up the idea of the small treasury and have an honest account. This would be beneficial to the company, the CEO, and the employees. The face of the CEO changed from tense to being moved, and he said, “You are very honest, thank you!” When the old and new CEO changed terms, the provincial audit department wanted to do an audit. In the end, the auditors agreed that the auditing result was very good.

In 2000, there was a division of work in the company's leadership. I was in charge of the financial, human resources, commodities, purchasing, and storage departments. All the employees, finances, and materials were in my hands. Indeed, people who cultivate Dafa give assurance to their employees so that they are not anxious. The offices of the CEO and secretary were next door to me, and they could clearly see a group of cultivators (several finance managers and staff) working. The management and employees were very touched!

At the end of 2000, when several of the finance managers and I were persecuted for not giving up our belief, the CEO was so anxious that his mouth was full of ulcers. He said during a meeting to the departments that were under me, “The people in our company that practice Falun Gong are better than good!”

b. Falun Dafa opens up my wisdom and gives me a healthy body and mind

After cultivating Falun Dafa, the most obvious manifestation is a healthy body and mind, and my wisdom opened up. Before I began cultivation, I would dawdle every day. My attitude was not good and my thinking was always slow.

In June 1995, when I had cultivated for more than a month, the company wanted to have a “computer management system” program. I had no knowledge of computers, but the CEO arranged for me to be responsible for this project. Nearly one million yuan was invested in this project. Using the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I did not take a single cent from the project. I did a very good job.

Some acquaintances came to me and wanted to do this project. Faced with their enticement, I was not moved. The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance constantly restrained my heart. Dafa disciples are cultivating away their attachments in this complex society.

At the same time, a vice president of an engineering company came to me and encouraged me to use the software company that they were using. After communicating with the person in charge, I realized that if I were to use that company's software, the project would become a pile of scrap metal. It was a bad deal and would have cost several hundred thousand yuan. I turned it down.

The opening of the computer management system was the same as the deployment of a battle. It took three months from investigating, selection, development and training to implementation. Our company project area is large and the amount of funds involved is huge. It really was like fighting a battle of innovation.

During this time, I treated the company as my home and was responsible, day and night. Our work ethic, quality, and efficiency touched the software company that provided us technical support. The CEO of the software company said in their trade union congress meeting that they had learned from us and especially praised my work ethic.

Originally, I had no knowledge of computers and faced with the complex computer programs, it is obvious that Dafa opened up my wisdom and helped me have a clear and agile mind. When the computer management system was put into use, our business operation experienced an unprecedented and significant breakthrough.

4. Death of my husband – cultivation is very sacred and serious

My husband passed away in January 1997. His death surprised my family, friends, and colleagues, and the impact was very bad for Dafa. Everyone knew that he practiced and was a coordinator and knew that he was very hardworking and sincere. So why did he pass away? Many people thought he died because he didn't get treatment for his illness.

One night in August 1996, my husband told me that he was having an affair. He said it started before he began cultivating and that they were still in contact. Because he was seriously ill, he realized that this extramarital affair was wrong and he was trying his best to let go.

Cultivation is sacred and serious. When a person has an incurable illness, it means that his life has come to an end. However, because he cultivates Dafa, it is an exchange for a new life, but the purpose of this extended life is to cultivate. He cannot use this extended life on something that he should not, especially on an “extramarital affair.” If it is not corrected immediately, the extended predestined connection will disappear and the incurable illness will return.

Faced with my husband's situation, I thank Dafa and Master for saving me in this matter. I was able to face it intelligently and with tolerance, let go of the suffering in my heart, and try my best to think for his sake. I told him to go to the hospital for surgery, or let go of that attachment completely and cultivate well. I could see that his attachment was still lingering. He passed away three days later.

The death of my husband brought me all sorts of pressure. Management, colleagues, family, and friends all had different opinions about it, and I had to bear the aching loss. I could not share my feelings with anyone. My initial idea was that he had already passed away, I would bear this pain by myself and did not want to ruin his reputation. Hence, other than those practitioners whom my husband had studied the Fa with who knew about his affair, none of my family, friends, or relatives knew about it.

Afterwards, when practitioners interacted with me, they asked that I tell the actual situation surrounding my husband's death to my relatives to avoid them having a misunderstanding about Dafa.

After two years of cultivation, I gradually understood that it was selfish to bear everything myself. If people do not know the truth and misunderstand Dafa, isn't that harming sentient beings?! So, little by little, I explaind the main reason for my husband's death to my family, relatives and friends. They understood and no longer misunderstood Dafa. My sister-in-law cried and said, “You have borne so much!”

Before cultivating, I had certain opinions about my mother-in-law. This was especially so when someone else showed up. If it had happened before I became a cultivator, I would never have contacted her again.

After my husband passed away, my father-in-law was worried about living in my family. I said, “I assure you it's OK.” The whole family continued to cultivate, and my father-in-law went to the park to practice every day and attended the group Fa-study at my house at night. My mother-in-law and my niece managed the household, and I concentrated on my job, doing it well and being a good mother. After almost two years, the whole family adjusted.

It has been 15 years since my husband passed away, and his four siblings and parents have been living with me. Thus, this became the center of our family. The whole family would place Dafa as the first priority, and someone would remind me when it was time to send forth righteous thoughts, “It is time now!” During the Chinese New Year Eve dinner toast, the young and old in the family unanimously toast and thank me. I said, “No need thank me! Our family is due to the predestined relationships from Dafa. We should thank Dafa instead!” Again and again, everyone had tears in their eyes and cheered to Dafa.

In every day life, I am tolerant and generous in all aspects, whether economically or mentally. Towards this home, I have no selfishness, no sense of burden, rather, our family relationships are relaxed and easy.

My brother-in-law's business went bankrupt and his marriage fell apart. His house (the majority of his house belonged to his parents) was used to cover all his loans, and he had nothing left. A few years ago, because of safety issues, I wanted to change houses. My father-in-law said, “Both of us cannot follow you anymore--we cannot make things more stressful for you.” I was moved to tears and really could not bear this. They actually didn't have a house to to live alone in. I persuaded him, “We cannot be separated. It is due to this predestined relationship.” In fact, the two of them are most willing to stay at my place. Traditional Chinese values say that when the eldest son is no longer around, it should be the eldest daughter-in-law that maintains the family. Everyone in this big family understands the truth and agrees with Dafa. That they can have a better future is my greatest comfort.

5. Each cultivator in my family is a book on cultivation

My father-in-law, mother-in-law, and my mother started cultivating in 1995. From the time I first knew them, my father-in-law and mother-in-law had heart disease, while my father-in-law had diabetes and high blood pressure and my mother-in-law had very serious gastroptosis. My mother had depression, pyelonephritis, and due to uremia, the hospital once gave her a critically ill notice. After cultivating, all their illnesses were cured.

My mother-in-law and the mother-in-law of my brother used to be illiterate and could not even read their own names. The year after they began cultivating in Dafa, they could read Zhuan Falun. The mother-in-law of my brother is a rural woman and previously stayed at home and did not go anywhere. She actually went to Beijing in 2000 to validate the Fa. She was separated from practitioners in Beijing but everywhere she went, people helped her.

When the great uncle had his 80th birthday, my mother-in-law, aunt-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law went to celebrate with him. When the great uncle saw that I had come, he was very happy and said, “I am most happy today because my eldest nephew's wife is here.” I said, “I am here to tell you specifically 'Falun Dafa is great!'” He took the talisman I handed him and put it on.

My mother-in-law's maiden home is a large family, and nearly everyone in the village is related to each other. I distributed DVDs and talismans to every household, and everyone who had ever joined the evil Party has quit. Afterwards, the adults started to play the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party DVD while the children took the talismans. While they played, they shouted “Falun Dafa is great!” Everyone was in a good mood in this festive atmosphere.

Based on the changes in several seniors and the situation in my family, our relatives all agreed with Dafa. There are more than 200 people in our extended family. Before the CCP began persecuting Dafa, more than 30 of us were practicing. After the persecution, 20 of us continued, and almost all the relatives have quit the Chinese Communist Party.

My second aunt's cousin had rheumatic heart disease and hepatitis B. After cultivating, all her diseases were cured. She's in a good mood every day and goes out and saves people.

My mother-in-law's fifth nephew's wife had a serious ectopic pregnancy. After cultivating, all her illnesses disappeared and the relatives were shocked!

My second brother's wife's family had genetic tuberculosis, and her sister died when she was only 20. Before my brother's wife cultivated, she had pus in her ear caused by the tuberculosis. After she began cultivating, all her illnesses were healed.

Before cultivating, my second sister had a breast tumor the size of a egg yolk. The tumor pressed on the tendons in her neck making half of her body cold. Doctors said that most likely the tumor was malignant. After cultivating, she was healed and the tumor disappeared!

My younger brother is a tax civil servant. Before cultivating, he had all the bad habits that a tax civil servant has and the family often worried about him. After cultivating, it was as though he changed into another person, and he was recognized as an advanced worker.

My youngest sister does not cultivate, but she went all out to help us, her sisters and brothers who cultivate. A few years ago, the officers from the local police station could not find me and went to my sister's company to find her. My sister said, “At home and at work, my sister is without equal. Based on this, one can tell that it is wrong to persecute Falun Gong!” The police had nothing to say and backed off.

Once, my sister's child fought with his classmate. It turned out that the parent of this classmate was part of a triad and wanted to fight my brother-in-law. Finally, he insisted on meeting my brother-in-law. My sister and brother-in-law were so scared that they did not know how to deal with it.

I decided to treat them all to a meal together. I thought that, since the trouble had appeared, it must be a special predestined relationship. Just before we met, I could feel the other party was filled with anger. However, we appeared peaceful and friendly.

Two people came--one was the student's parent and the other was a tall bald man with a scar on his head. I took introduced myself, saying, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and since you want to meet us so earnestly, we must have a predestined relationship, so I'm happy to meet you!” The whole atmosphere turned around immediately and we became like old friends. I started to clarify the truth, and everyone agreed the persecution was evil. Afterwards, the parent quickly asked the tall bald man to make a call and dismiss the brothers who were waiting outside. An injustice was resolved with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Every cultivator in our family is like a book. Due to limited space, I cannot list them all.

When my father-in-law was 86, he went to go out one day, turned around, could not make it, and passed away in a few minutes. He did not suffer at all. All the relatives came, and, at the dining table, my youngest brother-in-law (who does not cultivate Falun Gong) raised his glass and said emotionally, “Our home, all thanks to Dafa. If not for Dafa, we would not have this home. I am grateful to Dafa! Let us cheer together, 'To Dafa!'” All the relatives shouted together, “Cheers to Dafa!”