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The Power of Memorizing and Reciting the Fa

June 08, 2013 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1999 when I graduated from college. After graduation in July, I returned to my hometown before entering the workforce. During that time, my mother borrowed a copy of the book Zhuan Falun. I thought the book was remarkable and was determined to begin practicing Falun Dafa. Having found such a wonderful Fa, there was no way that I would not follow the principles outlined in the teachings. I thus became very strict with myself as soon as I began to practice. I tried to let go of my attachments to fame and self-interest, consider others in all respects, and become a better person.

I started to memorize the Fa after reading Master's article, “Suggestions Given at the Beijing Falun Dafa Assistants Meeting,” from 1994, where Master said,

“With time they’ve started to memorize the book. They thought 'this is something so good' (of course, those are the students’ words, not mine), and they thought about how people used to memorize many scriptures even though their meaning wasn’t very clear and all of them were pretty vague. Of course, our students had other reasons, too. I’m just giving you the idea. They said: 'Why don’t we memorize something that’s this good? It requires us to be good people at every moment among everyday people and it enables us to improve, wouldn’t it be better if we could memorize it? Then we’ll have something we can measure ourselves against at every moment.' That’s how they started a 'book-memorizing upsurge.'” (“Suggestions Given at the Beijing Falun Dafa Assistants Meeting” from Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa)

When I saw that some everyday people got up early in the morning to open their small businesses in order to make money, and some stayed up for a few days straight to play Mahjong, I thought to myself, “I practice such a wonderful Dafa. Why should I work less hard than everyday people?” I thus began memorizing the Fa frequently.

I have since remained committed to memorizing and reciting the Fa. I memorized and recited the Fa over and over—I don't even remember how many times I have recited the Fa. I recited the Fa when I was illegally detained in 2001, and I could almost recite the entire book Zhuan Falun. After I had recited the Fa more than ten times, I was released. The seemingly severe persecution ended.

I was illegally sentenced to one and half years of forced labor in 2006. I recited the Fa every day while serving my term. I recited three to four lectures each day on average. Sometimes I could recite the entire book Zhuan Falun in just one day. I felt that my entire body was enveloped by energy, and I could feel my body changing, even though I am not a particularly sensitive person. I sometimes recited the Fa in a low voice. Working with my hands, or the TV being on did not affect me. The guards of the forced labor camp all knew about it but none of them interfered. When I first arrived at the forced labor camp, the practitioners who were detained there asked me if I had memorized the Fa (they didn't have any access to Dafa books or articles in the forced labor camp). I told them yes. The practitioners asked me how many lectures I had memorized. I said I had memorized the entire book. The practitioners were thrilled. I started to recite the Fa for practitioners even though it was very hard to do in the camp, as we were not allowed to talk. I could only recite a couple sentences of the Fa for them during meals, while walking, or during activities. Some practitioners memorized a lot of the Fa this way.

During that time, the power of reciting the Fa manifested. When I asked the camp officials to abolish the questionnaire slandering Master and the Fa that practitioners and their families were required to fill out before each visit, they did so. When I asked them to cancel the rule requiring practitioners to count off and squat, it was canceled. Problems were solved without much effort. My one and a half year prison term was full of examples of resisting the persecution. No guard dared to curse at me or hit me. I enlightened that everything was within the virtue of the boundless Dafa, and these instances were a a true manifestation of Fa-rectification.

I would also like to share with fellow practitioners the following experiences in memorizing and reciting the Fa.

1. I am willing to study the Fa and read the Fa. I pick up and read the book whenever I have a spare moment.

2. I am able to catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification and correctlty understand events that took place in each period during Fa-rectification.

3. Without realizing it, I started to care less about the things I used to care about. My actions are also very righteous at times. For example, I have a lot of energy when sending righteous thoughts and my upright palm never falters. I feel that the moral values regarding men and women and husbands and wives is a form of power. I simply do not have any bad thoughts—I don't even have to try to restrain myself. Master said in Zhuan Falun,

“Because our practice is one in which the Fa cultivates practitioners, this means that some situations will arise from gong and the Fa.”