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A Neighborhood Committee in Weifang City Persecutes a Retired Translator

June 29, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Wang Ruiying is an English translator for the Huaguang Group LLC. in Weifang City, Shandong Province. She did many good deeds but has been monitored, followed and arrested many times since 1999 because she practices Falun Gong. She is still being monitored and harassed by the Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee of Guangwen Sub-district Office in Weifang City. More details follow.


Ms. Wang, who is now in her late 60s, graduated from university after her 60 th birthday. She once had severe kidney and heart disease. She could not even carry three cabbages at one time. After practicing Falun Gong, her diseases disappeared and she was then able to carry a 60-pound bag of flour to her apartment on the 4 th floor. She saved the country a lot in medical expenses and saved her family a great deal of trouble.

Ms. Wang has been following Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person. When the community road was bumpy, she carried stone and sand in basins to repair and flatten the road. This is the kind of person the regime persecutes.

The CCP squandered huge resources to monitor her

In late 2009, the National Security Bureau, Kuiwen Police Department, Domestic Security Division, and Kuiwen District 610 Office dispatched plainclothes personnel to sit in vehicles and monitor the community where Ms. Wang lives. They had previously been eavesdropping on Ms. Wang's phone line.

Beginning October 1, 2009, the National Security Bureau, Kuiwen Police Department, Domestic Security Division and Kuiwen District 610 Office started to monitor Ms. Wang. Whenever she went out she would be followed.

She was watched even when she went to the market in her community to buy vegetables.

When she left her community the agents took turns following her. Each week Ms. Wang would go to her daughter's home to help take care of her grandchild, and the agents would be there, monitoring her.

The Weifang City 610 Office hired people to monitor Ms. Wang. The monitors were paid 3000 yuan a month, and the temporary hires were paid 50 yuan per day. The office personnel denied what was going, saying, “Ms. Wang is that translator who is nearly 70 years old--she doesn't deserve to be monitored.”

Home ransacked, heart attack

On December 15, 2009, Kuiwen Police Department officers ransacked Ms. Wang's home and confiscated her personal belongings, such as her Falun Gong books and materials. Ms. Wang was so scared that she had a heart attack and collapsed. They didn't take Ms. Wang because they didn't want to shoulder the responsibility, but they forced her husband to sign on a “bail-out” letter that slandered Ms. Wang as a “criminal suspect.”

Taken to police station

On the morning of February 9, 2012, when Ms. Wang was clarifying the facts about Falun Gong, Dayu Street Police Station officers picked her up and took her to the station. At the station Ms. Wang had symptoms of a heart attack once again. The police didn't want to be held responsible and notified her child to take her home.

Illegally imprisoned in a brainwashing center

At about 6 a.m. on September 6, 2012, Ms. Wang was taken to a brainwashing center located in the Kuiwen District by personnel from the 610 Office. She was originally in good mental and physical health, but after being persecuted at the brainwashing center, her mental state suffered.

Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee monitored, harassed, and threatened Ms. Wang

After her release from the brainwashing center on September 29, 2012, the persecution against her didn't stop. The 610 Office handed the task of monitoring and harassing her over to the Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee of Guangwen Sub-district Office in Weifang City. The committee blatantly violated her civil rights. They harassed and threatened her and made unreasonable requests. Her husband was so scared that he would not allow her to leave home. Even when she left home to buy lunch, her husband would grab her arm and accompany her wherever she went.

In April 2013 the Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee again harassed the 68-year-old Ms. Wang. Her non-practitioner husband wrote the letter giving up practicing Falun Gong for Ms. Wang after being threatened by the committee.

When she learned about it, Ms. Wang went to the committee to take back the letter and destroy it. The committee threatened her husband, ordering him to beat his wife.

Ms. Wang and her husband used to have a very good relationship and had a happy family. However, due to the persecution, her husband beat her and even attempted to divorce her. Their once harmonious family was destroyed.

The Neighborhood Committee continued to harass Ms. Wang and greatly interfered with her family life.

The harassment very likely was citywide, because prior to this, the Zeerzhuang Neighborhood Committee of Weifang City had already harassed other Falun Gong practitioners. Some were harassed by their employers and pressured to write letters giving up practicing Falun Gong.

They deceived the practitioners, convincing them to fill out forms and sign their names, promising them that, once they filled out the forms and signed their names, they would not be bothered again. However, the 610 Office and the Neighborhood Committees never kept their promises and the harassment continued. Their behavior proves that it is folly if you believe them.

The Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee is located on the west side of Gongan Lane in the Kuiwen District and inside the small park of the Nanhu Community. It is affiliated with the Guangwen Sub-district Office and the CCP District Committee. Its official name explicitly contained “CCP” and it's an organ used by the CCP to control residents. Nowadays it is used by the 610 Office to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

The CCP has extended its control into every household and organization. The Neighborhood Committees are one of its tools in the persecution of Falun Gong. For instance, Nanguan Neighborhood Committee of Weifang City made poster boards slandering Falun Gong multiple times in 2012.

The CCP awarded the he Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee such titles as “Model Community in promoting science and against XX (slandering word omitted) in Shandong Province” and “Excellent Unit in Peaceful Construction of Weifang City” for its persecution of Falun Gong. Neither the police station nor the traffic police station in the small park of the Nanhu Community where Ms. Wang resides both participated in harassing Ms. Wang. Only the Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee harassed her.

On the evening of May 2, loud thunder rocked the city and lasted the whole night. People were startled, as if the heavens were angry. Even if people cannot recognize heaven's warnings, they should realize that the 13 years of persecution is wrong, distinguish good from evil, and make a correct choice for their lives.

The Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee

Parties involved in the persecution: The Wenhua Street Neighborhood Committee of Guangwen Sub-district Office in Weifang City: +86-536-8215328, +86-536-8238148, +86-536-8234728 Zhang Lihong, director of the neighborhood committee Mao Wenwen, deputy director of the neighborhood Committee: The Nanledao Street Neighborhood Committee of Guangwen Sub-district Office in Weifang City: +86-536-8215328, +86-536-8238148, +86-536-8234728 The Xinhua Street Neighborhood Committee of Guangwen Sub-district Office in Weifang City: +86-536-8215328, +86-536-8238148, +86-536-8234728