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Canada: People Come to Learn the Exercises (Photos)

June 29, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) From June 14 th to 16 th , Falun Gong practitioners from Mississauga, Canada, participated in the Mississauga Waterfront Festival. More than 50 thousand people came to the festival. Falun Gong practitioners' booth attracted many tourists. Some of them learned the exercises, and wanted to join the local exercise site.

Falun Gong booth on the Mississauga waterfront

Mississauga is a major suburb in the western part of the greater Toronto metropolitan area. With a population of 700,000, the suburb of Mississauga is itself the sixth largest city in Canada. Many Chinese people live here, and developed a Chinatown.

Nora and her family wanted to join the local exercise site on Wednesday.

An old Chinese couple passed by practitioners' booth. The wife didn't want to stay, and try to drag the husband away too. The husband quietly asked practitioners “is the organ harvesting in China true?” Practitioners talked to him for a long time. He was shocked by the brutality of the persecution. He accepted the truth-clarifying materials from practitioners. The wife also smiled to practitioners, and expressed that she would read it carefully with her husband.

An Indian lady watched practitioners demonstrate the exercises for a long time. They explained to her that Falun Gong teaches the principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” She said: “Everybody needs this principle, especially in this society where the pressure is enormous.” She wants to learn more about Falun Gong. Practitioners gave her some materials and two hand-made paper lotus flowers. She thanked practitioners and asked where she and her husband can learn the exercises.