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A Family Under Persecution

June 27, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Around 9:30 a.m. on June 5, 2013 over 30 police officers from the National Security Bureau of Duchang County, led by Hong Liu, stormed into Falun Gong practitioner Cao Dazhang's home. They ransacked the home, violently arrested Mr. Cao and his teenage daughter and beat his wife. Mr. Cao had only recently been released from a forced labor camp.

Violent Ransacking and Arrest

Seven or eight policeman surrounded Cao Dazhang, beat him and dragged him down the stairs from the fifth floor. Cao Dazhang's wife Zhang Aizhen tried to hold onto Cao Dazhang to prevent him from being taken away. Six policemen surrounded her and held her down on a sofa, while several started to beat her. Zhang Aizhen shouted: “Bad people are arresting good people!” Then the police stopped beating her. Their sixteen-year-old daughter Cao Yihong was taken away by the police with her father.

The police confiscated three copies of Zhuan Falun, three copies of Falun Gong founder Master Li's recent lecture in New York as well as others of Master Li's lectures, three 2013 Shen Yun DVDs, a video of Master Li's lecture in Dalian City, a variety of truth-clarification materials, a satellite receiver and other items.

Among the police officers making the arrest were policewomen from the National Security Bureau and plainclothes police. It was said that the County Education Committee and the County First Middle School were involved in the arrests and ransacking.

Mother Appeals for the Release of Her Family

Soon after the arrests, Zhang Aizhen went to the National Security Bureau to ask for the release of her husband and daughter. She demanded to know why the National Security Bureau arrested them. She was told that although Cao Dazhang had just been released from a labor camp, he still practices Falun Gong. They said that he hadn't renounced his belief, and also kept his daughter home from school to teach her Falun Gong. They said that the school reported him and asked for his arrest.

Zhang Aizhen learned that her daughter, Cao Yihong, was interrogated by personnel from the National Security Bureau for two hours. The deputy Principal of Yihong's school and the head teacher of her class were also involved. Later that morning Zhang Aizhen was allowed to bring her daughter back home.

Sixteen-year-old Traumatized at School, Recovered after Practicing Falun Gong

Cao Yihong, 16 years old, is a student in the first year of Junior High school. She is a boarding school student. She has practiced Falun Gong since she was a child. When she entered middle school, she stopped the practice for almost two years after her father was arrested and the academic pressure was intensified. The school also applied pressure on her to stop practicing. In May, Yihong suddenly become ill and appeared to suffer a mental collapse at school. She could not recognize people and sometimes she lost consciousness. Her condition was very serious. Her parents received notice from the school and took their daughter home. They did not accuse the school for their daughter's condition, and just helped Yihong at home.

After ten days' rest at home, including doing the Falun Gong exercises and studying the teachings of Falun Gong, Cao Yihong recovered completely.

Seeing Cao Yihong's big change within such a short time, her classmates witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa. But the school was not grateful for Cao Dazhang not going after them for their responsibility, and even accused Cao Dazhang of not letting his daughter go to school.

School Administrators Call for Father's Arrest

The National Security Bureau ignores the benefits of Falun Gong and continues to persecute innocent Falun Gong practitioners. When Zhang Aizhen asked them to release her husband, the National Security Bureau said that they had asked the related authority in Jiujiang City. Six persons from Jiujiang City arrived for a conference, and did not allow Mr. Cao to be released. He is still detained in the Duchang County Detention Center. Later, when Zhang Aizhen went to the detention center to bring him some clothing, she was able to see Cao Dazheng. The detention center told her that he would be detained for 15 days.

Since the persecution of Falun Gong in began1999, Cao Dazheng has been detained and persecuted multiple times. He was twice sent to Majialong Forced Labor Camp in Jiujiang City. Less than six months after his release, he has been detained again.

Personnel responsible for the persecution of Cao Dazheng and his family:

Cao Dazhou, Secretary of Politics and Law Committee secretary: +86-13607026563 (Cell)
Wang Bo, director of 610 office: +86-13607026498, +86-18970268649, +86-792-5223974(Office), +86-792-5222855 (Home)

Jiang Xiaobo, Director of Politics and Law Committee for Comprehensive Management Office: +86-18970236677(Cell), +86-792-5235188 (Home)

Yu Linquan, deputy police chief of Duchang County Police Department: +86-13907924433(Cell), +86-729-5222459 Hong Liu, Team lead of National Security Team: +86-729-5223135-452, +86-13803554098(Cell), +86-729-625119
Dan Bingsong, principal of Duchang First Middle School: +86-792-5224390, +86-13970224895(Cell)