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The World Is Awakening, The Evil Party Is Disintegrating

June 26, 2013 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) During the process of saving people, we have recently gained immediate understanding and direct experience of Master's teachings:

“So in other words, as you clarify the truth, there are fewer and fewer interfering factors, and there are more and more factors that allow the world's people to understand what is going on.” ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")


“The cultivation environment and the perceptions people have are both undergoing changes on a fundamental level.” ("The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be")

In the past, the people we approached were predominantly middle and lower class. They were usually willing to listen to us clarify the truth, and most of them then agreed to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations and accept that “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

We did not approach many people of the upper-middle class such as government or corporate employees. Sometimes when we clarified the truth to them, we were rejected or scorned, and could not help them to understand the facts about Falun Gong and the importance of quitting the Party and its affiliated organizations.

We have noticed a significant change. Some officials, CEOs, university professors, lecturers, graduate students, and retired cadres in mainstream society are now willing to listen to our truth clarification, and are able to discern good from evil, realize the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and recognize the goodness of Falun Dafa. They are willing to quit the evil Party and its organizations and secure a safe future for themselves and their families.

I would like to share a few examples from my recent truth-clarification efforts, to help others have a better understanding of the righteous thoughts, wise choices and just actions of some mainstream people and upper-class officials. I would also like to tell those who are still deceived by and follow the evil Party in persecuting kind people, to wake up quickly, separate yourselves from the Party, and embrace a wonderful future for yourselves, your families, and your friends.

“Thank You for Helping Us Quit the Party and Secure Peace”

Another practitioner and I got together to clarify the truth and save sentient beings at a tourist attraction in early March 2013. We met a senior couple and began talking to them by asking about the tourist attraction. The couple were quite talkative and friendly. We learned that the couple were from Hu Nan and in their eighties. The man used to be a journalist and had worked in a provincial government unit for many years. He had been retired for nearly twenty years. His wife was a university professor. The couple said they often did exercises outdoors. They maintained a very good attitude and good health.

When we commended the couple for their kind hearts and sense of justice, they smiled. We continued to talk about the corruption and moral degeneration in the current society where officials, high or low, do not really care about the people, but hanker after personal gains and enjoyment. "The corrupt officials deposit money in foreign banks, send their children abroad, and find opportunities for themselves to go abroad and do not come back. Environmental pollution is dreadful. It was reported that the PM2.5 index in Beijing ranges between 900-1000. The environmental issue is also very severe in other provinces. The smog here around here is terrible, and visibility is very low. We inhale toxic gas, drink contaminated water, and eat poisonous foods every day. What a trying time!"

They said, "It is indeed true! The government is quite incompetent. Nowadays, there are a lot of scandals coming out in the 'education frontline.' The educators do not put their efforts into teaching, but on making money, which hampers student progress. The news reports are either false or censored. The truthful and objective reports are censored. Social morality has degenerated. People are unkind to one another. They easily accuse each other. Life in such a society is trying and tiring!"

We told the couple that the root cause of such degeneration is the CCP, which sabotages traditional culture and promotes atheism and class struggle. "The CCP suppresses kind people and expels dissidents. It is doomed! In Zhangbu Township, Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, there is tourist attraction where a naturally formed stone shows six large Chinese characters 'Chinese Communist Party Will Be Doomed.' Experts and geologists from the Chinese Academy of Science have examined the stone and confirmed its natural formation, which is nothing but an irresistible celestial message, that is, that heaven will destroy the CCP. When the CCP keeps doing evil things, its end is near. This is why many kindhearted people are persuading the public to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations to secure a peaceful future."

“Did either of you ever join the Party or the Youth League?” They both said they had. So we helped the couple quit the Party using aliases formed by combining each last name with the Chinese word for “health,” hinting that the couple would be healthier after quitting. The couple were very happy. They kept expressing their gratitude for our helping them quit the Party and securing peace. At the end of our meeting, we gave software to the university professor to bypass the CCP Internet censorship. She happily accepted it and said she would see what was really happening in the outside world.

“We All Know about the Corruption and Degeneration of the CCP”

I went to a local tourist attraction to seek predestined people to tell them the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong and persuade them to quit the evil Party. On a wide street, I met three seniors, one of whom asked for directions and the local bus schedule. I said I was willing to guide them. The seniors were very happy.

I learned that the three seniors were all from Liaoning Province. Two of them were in their seventies and the third was 78. They came for sightseeing. The eldest of the three was very talkative and had a strong build. When I talked about the degeneration in the current society, embezzlement by officials, along with corruption and the hardships and tiredness of ordinary folks, one of the seniors pointed to the 78-year-old and said, “He is a corrupt official. He used to amass a lot of money. Even though he is retired now, he still receives 100,000 yuan every year that he uses for travel and sightseeing all over the country. This time, he is taking us along with him.”

I talked directly to the former official and said, “If you have been an official, you should know the evil nature of the CCP, namely, falsehoods, wickedness, and struggle, with which it cracks down on the good people. Bo Xilai used to be the governor of Liaoning Province, and Wang Lijun was the head of the Public Security Bureau. Now both of them are behind bars. In Liaoning Province, there is the notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp that ruthlessly persecutes Falun Gong and engages in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners to sell to foreigners for huge profits. This has been called by the international community the most evil thing on the planet. It was all conducted by inhumane people like Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun. They are devils in human disguise. They are utterly heartless and what they have done is intolerable." The man nodded as he listened. He said, “Yes, we all know that the CCP is corrupt and degenerate.”

We also talked about the wife of Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai, who sold the organs of Falun Gong practitioners to profiteers and eventually killed them to get rid of witnesses. She also killed a British citizen who helped handle the sales, and produced a false website to frame others. Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun, and Gu Kailai did all this while under the protection of the CCP. Can such a Party be allowed to exist any longer? When human beings are in delusion and do not do something about it, heaven will. In Guizhou Province, there is tourist attraction where a naturally formed stone displays six large Chinese characters “Chinese Communist Party Will Be Doomed,” foretelling the demise of the CCP. So, all the people who have joined the CCP and its affiliated organizations will have to quit them. If they do not, they will perish when the heavens are ready to destroy the CCP.

The older man agreed to quit the Party. So, I helped him pick an alias and quit the CCP and all its affiliated organizations. He thanked me and held my hands tightly. I told him that frequently reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” would bring him blessings. The three seniors all responded with “Yes.”

“Today I Have a New Understanding of Falun Gong”

I went to a local tourist attraction one morning to clarify the truth and met a well-dressed young man at his thirties. The young man glanced around as he took photos. I thought he might be looking for a person to take photo of himself, so I asked if I could help. The young man said he was indeed looking for somebody to help him.

I was able to connect with the young man and learned that he was a cadre in a city department in Jiangsu Province, where he had been working as an administrative secretary for six years. He often had to work overtime, even including some holidays, so he felt that the job was tough and tiring. Some leaders do not use their brains but relied on their secretaries to write reports for them, but they usually did not provide any guidelines. Then, when a report or article is completed, they will turn it down if it does not meet their requirements and tell the secretary to rewrite it. It is very tiring to work for this kind of brainless leader. He also said, “China needs political reform, otherwise there will be no progress. Nowadays, most officials are corrupt. They rack their brains to scheme and struggle against each other. They do not really care for their subordinates, only about how to get promoted and gain more benefits. They lead a very tiring life."

I agreed by saying that nowadays, whether an official is high or low, they are almost always corrupt and care little about the wellbeing of ordinary folks. The young man said, “Yes, it is indeed so and I am fully aware of this.” While they were talking about the naturally formed stone showing the Chinese characters “Chinese Communist Party Will Be Doomed,” the young man asked me if I practiced Falun Gong. I said I did. The young man said, “Then, let's talk about Falun Gong!”

The young man asked me several questions, such as whether Falun Gong has any organization, any plan for action, and the benefits of practicing. I said, “Falun Gong has no organization, no plan of action. It is a cultivation practice. Whoever wants to practice can do so by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It improves health, cures diseases, and upgrades morality. Falun Gong was first publicized in May 1992, and by July 1999, there were nearly 100 million people practicing Falun Gong. Practitioners were from all walks of life including high-ranking officials in the central government as well as ordinary grassroots people. If Falun Gong was not good, why would so many people practice it? Some former central government leaders once formed a task force to investigate Falun Gong. The task force concluded that there were many benefits to practicing Falun Gong and that it brought no harm to the country or the people. Later, out of jealousy, Jiang Zemin fabricated false charges to slander and defame Falun Gong. His allies created many false accusations to deceive people and instigate public hatred against Falun Gong. What the CCP has done should be quite clear to you, so please do not be deceived. Only by discerning good from evil yourself can you truly reach a righteous conclusion.”

The young man agreed, but at the same time, he said, “Some Falun Gong practitioners run into problems when they practice.” I said, “What the CCP said in its propaganda is all wrong. The so-called Tiananmen self-immolation incident was fabricated, and exhibited many flaws and discrepancies. It was staged and conducted by the CCP. The international education development organization called it 'false fire' and this has been known all around the world.” The young man said, “Today, I have a brand-new understanding of Falun Gong. I uphold democracy, freedom of belief, and diversity. Take the case of freedom of belief. Only by allowing other beliefs to exist under the bigger umbrella of democracy and liberty can society make progress.”

Before we parted, he told me in a caring tone, “I understand what you said. I do not oppose it. However, it may be dangerous if you said the same thing to those who do not understand. So, please be careful.” I said, “I am not afraid to do this. Most people are like you, they are kind and righteous. After they understand the evil nature of the CCP and the true facts about Falun Gong, they will no longer hold a candle for the devil. I thank you for your care and wish you peace.”

The young man said, “You are really a good man.” I said, “Falun Gong practitioners do things according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They are all good people. For a good future, would you quit the Party and its affiliated organizations!?” The young man was touched and quite aware. He repeatedly said he would, so I picked an alias for him, and he quit the Party and its affiliated organizations. One more life was saved!

“Everybody Knows the CCP Is No Good”

In March 2013, another practitioner and I went to a local tourist attraction to clarify the truth, where we met a young man in a T-shirt with a heavy backpack. The young man seemed to be looking for a place to rent a bicycle. We told him where and how to rent a bike. The young man was appreciative. We chatted as we walked along.

The man was from Beijing, 28 years old. His entire family was in business. When we talked about the degeneration in society, the young man cut in and ranted about the corruption of the CCP. He said, “We Northerners, especially those born in the 1980s and 1990s, almost all of us see through the wickedness of the CCP and do not want to join its organizations. The corrupt CCP does nothing but embezzle, which we fully understand. My sister often has contact with a high level official who keeps asking for money and is way too corrupt and wicked. CCP officials are no good.”

He said that the business administrators, taxation officers, city inspectors, and police officers were all watch dogs. He said, "They often go to the markets to harass the vendors to hit them up for money. In order to maintain peace in the marketplace, the vendors are forced to give them money. The young men in the North all know the wickedness of the CCP and do not join its organizations.

"The CCP has ruined the environment in China. For example, smog is everywhere and the air quality is very poor. The traditional culture of the Chinese nation has been devastated. To understand genuine Chinese traditional culture, people have to travel to Taiwan to see it. That is the Chinese nation in a true sense. I love the Chinese nation, but the CCP is a bad thing. I have a friend who knows how to use the Book of Changes to foresee the future, and he cannot see the existence of the CCP – it seems there is no future for the CCP. I want to go abroad to get away from the CCP, because it is so brutal. My children will also go abroad. Loving the country does not mean loving the CCP. In college, I firmly refused to join the Party. When I was in high school, I was a bit too naughty to be allowed to join the Youth League. In elementary school, I did not want to be a Young Pioneer. Under pressure, I had to buy a red scarf to put around my neck, but I always hated to wear it. Nowadays, the younger generations of the 1980s and 1990s are bold in their expressions and actions. They know how to break the Internet blockade to access information outside China. They can also travel abroad. So, the CCP is not able to block the truth. The CCP is a mafia, flagrantly robbing, grabbing, and plundering. The CCP commits all manner of crimes and is bad to the bone, so nobody believes in it anymore."

“Wishing You Health and All the Best”

In early April 2013, another practitioner and I went to a local tourist attraction to clarify the truth. We came across two young men sitting on a long bench talking. We greeted them and talked to them. The young men were polite enough to give some bench space for us to sit down. The four of us began a conversation.

The young men were sophomores at a university. They were sightseeing. When we brought up the facts about Falun Gong, one of the young men asked several direct questions about Falun Gong, "Does Falun Gong allow people to take medicine? Why does the CCP persecute Falun Gong? What about the Tiananmen Square Self-immolation Incident? Is the master of Falun Gong living in the USA? Why does Falun Gong encourage people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations?"

We carefully provided answers based on the background of the young men. We explained that Falun Gong practitioners cultivate themselves according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and achieve moral improvement, body purification, and enhanced health. They are free from diseases, so they have no need to take any medicine. I asked them, “When your health is good, do you want to take medicine?” They said, “Who would want to?” I echoed, “You are right, with no diseases, why take medicine? I can tell you that Falun Gong has never told people not to take medicine or not see a doctor. That was CCP slander.”

"From May 1992 when Falun Gong went public, to July 1999, nearly 100 million people began to practice Falun Gong. The number of cultivators has exponentially increased. Jiang Zemin was jealous of the fact that Falun Gong was widely popular, so he launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Can you tell me what is wrong with practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? There is nothing wrong." The young men said they understood.

We also discussed the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation. I asked the young men several questions, “Do you see any police officers carrying a fire extinguisher during their regular patrol? Did you ever see anyone completely burned while holding a bottle of gasoline still intact?” The young men said they understood. I also mentioned that one of the “self-immolators,” the little girl, could sing four days after a reported tracheotomy, a medical impossibility. A CCTV reporter went to the intensive care room of the “severely burned self-immolator” to conduct an interview without wearing a bio-isolation gown. The young men realized that the self-immolation was falsified. I also told them that International Education Development, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations, called the Tiananmen self-immolation a “false fire” that year, that it was staged by the CCP.

I also told them about Falun Gong, that it is a Buddha law that belongs to all of mankind, rather than to a single nationality. In order to disseminate Falun Dafa all around the world, our Master went to the U.S. before the persecution began and obtained his green card to be a permanent resident there. He is protected by American laws. There are currently over 100 countries and regions around the world where people practice Falun Gong. Our compassionate Master continues to spread Falun Dafa to the world, bringing blessings to mankind.

After listening, the young men understood. Unlike at the beginning when they used Master's name offhandedly, they now said, "Master Li." This is a process whereby the world's people come to understand the truth. When they acknowledge that Falun Dafa is good, that Master is good, they have laid themselves a foundation for a beautiful future.

I told the young men that since the CCP grabbed power several decades ago, it has launched many political movements, including the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre of democracy activists, the suppression of Falun Gong, and many other similar bloody suppressions, and over 80 million innocent people have died directly or indirectly due to these CCP persecutions. According to the principle of karmic retribution, if the CCP has committed so many atrocities, will it not have to pay for what it owes? It is inevitable that heaven will destroy the CCP. I said, "If one day heaven decides to destroy the CCP while you are members of it, won't you be destroyed along with it? So, only by quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations and clearly breaking away from it can you not be implicated in its crimes."

The young men quit the Youth League and Young Pioneers using their real names. I gave them a DVD of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show. They gladly accepted it and said they would look at it carefully. When we said good-bye, they parted with slight sadness and said, “Wishing you health and all the best!”

Dear readers, do you now also understand, see through the evil nature of the CCP, and clearly understand Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa and Falun Gong practitioners are good people? At the present time in China, there is severe smog in the north. In eastern China, the avian flu is rampant and there are dead pigs floating in the Huangpu River. We are all plagued with tainted foods, polluted air, and contaminated drinking water. The root cause is nothing but the CCP. So, it is only natural that heaven wants to destroy the CCP. Why do you still hesitate to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations? Please do it quickly and choose a beautiful future for yourself!