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My Classmate Finally Watches Shen Yun: “Gods Have Come to Earth!”

June 26, 2013 |   By a practitioner in mainland China


On March 10, I went to visit one of my college classmates who is a director in a department that is directly under the CPC Central Committee. I brought him a Shen Yun Performing Arts 2013 DVD. We watched the show together at his place on a big screen TV. We saw the glorious light on the stage when the curtain rose. The gods’ world came to us. The delicate dance, the gorgeous costumes and the beautiful music shocked our hearts and awakened our will to go back to the place where we belong.

Then my classmate stood up suddenly. He pointed at the screen and asked, “Look at the back. What’s that in the back?” His relative who is a policeman told him, “That is the animation effect.” However, he said, “No. It’s real! They all connect to each other, the gods have come. Why can I see them all come down to us?” When on the backdrop Master appeared making the Big Hand Signs and asked all other gods “Who would like to come with me to rectify Fa?” my classmate asked me, “What does it mean?” When he saw gods descending down to the Earth with Master through the universe, and when he saw the palace with a plaque inscribed with “righteousness in heaven and earth,” and the history explained by the Chinese classical dances, he understood, “I see. I know what it means.” He also asked me anxiously, “Are you one of them? You must be from heaven as well.” When I heard this, I was almost in tears.

Along with the raising and lowering of the curtain, every kind and pure performance unveiled more mysteries of life. All of us were moved. The effect was like what Master has said,

“...on top of which there is assistance from divine beings, is not something ordinary people could achieve—much less emitting energy that’s permeated with Zhen Shan Ren . Such is the righteous energy contained in every piece that is danced, every word that is sung, and every note that is played; even the colors on the stage emit positive energy.” (Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa)

My classmate, who used to work in the cultural field, was full of praise, “Awesome! It’s definitely among the top level performances of the world. It’s better than what I expected. This is our real culture. Why doesn’t the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allow Shen Yun to perform in mainland China? Except for us, the whole world can watch what has been left by our ancestors. Shen Yun, please come to China! Shen Yun, please come to Beijing! If Chinese are unable to learn from Shen Yun, then the literature and art circles will soon fade away.”

His relatives were moved by it as well and exclaimed, “Wonderful performance!” I saw them staring at the screen as if they had been waiting too long to see it. Later I learned that they hadn't watched the shows of the earlier years which I gave them in the past because their DVD player was not working. I brought the player with me that day. Otherwise, he would not have had the chance to watch Shen Yun. He said he would watch the earlier shows as well. He couldn’t miss the chance.

When I saw him and his relatives being touched by the mercy of Shen Yun, I was thinking what factors are most moving for them. My guess is that it's the hope sentient beings have placed in them to be saved. Wouldn't it have been better if I would have brought my DVD player to them earlier or if I had asked them if they had watched it yet. It's a great pity that they weren't able to see Shen Yun earlier.

Actually, Master has reminded us in “What is a Dafa Disciple” ,

“In whatever you do you should carry it through to the end, do it well, and if you intend to save someone, then go ahead and save him.”

If Master hadn't extended the time for all lives, we could not imagine what it'd be like right now. It's unimaginable for me, and I even feel regretful for not having done more in the past.

As a reminder to all of us, let me repeat what my classmate said, “They are coming down. Gods have come to Earth. Shen Yun, please come to China. Shen Yun, please come to Beijing!”