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Exposing the Crimes Committed by Officer Ge Qingxi in the Handan Forced Labor Camp

May 08, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) “Whether you want to or not, you will be transformed. One of my superiors told me that I can't hit anyone. But then, what was I given a rubber truncheon for?” This is a direct quote from Ge Qingxi, captain of the “special unit” in the Handan Forced Labor Camp, while he was persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Manipulated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), guards Ge Qingxi, Gao Fei, and Gao Jinli have participated in incredibly vicious abuse of practitioners in this forced labor camp. The following is a partial account of crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners by Ge Qingxi.

1. The Sinister Rubber Truncheon

At midnight on October 15, 2007, Ge Qingxi, Liu Chun, Ren Lianshan, and Yang Kaisheng hit practitioner Mr. Ma Xiuyuan with a rubber truncheon and shocked him with electric batons in the “special unit” of the Handan Forced Labor Camp.

On June 20, 2007, Ge Qingxi called practitioner Mr. Wang Guoen into his office and then struck him with a rubber truncheon.

On the evening of September 6, 2008, Ge Qingxi and You Liu took practitioner Ms. Sun Lixiang (64, retired) from Hengshuigucheng to the fifth floor and beat her with a police baton for an hour because she didn't write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong.

In December 2010, Ge Qingxi struck practitioner Mr. Ma Boguo twice with a rubber truncheon. Gao Fei also hit Mr. Ma with the weapon.

On September 2, 2010, Ge Qingxi beat and severely injured practitioners Mr. Li Mouzhu and Cheng Wendong with his rubber truncheon. During a conference, Ge clamored, “One of my superiors told me that I can't hit anyone. But then, what was I given a rubber truncheon for?”

On September 13, 2007, Ge Qingxi, Wang Zhiming and Gao Jinli violently beat practitioner Mr. Wang Zhong with their rubber truncheons from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the captain's office.

From June to August 2009, Handan Forced Labor Camp guards led by Ge Qingxi and Jia Yingjun hosted a “brainwashing class” in an attempt to transform the detained practitioners. Ge and Jia ordered inmates to hit practitioners with rubber truncheons, then forced them to write the guarantee statements. The practitioners were severely injured and unable to walk. Ge and Jia also forced them to work over 12 hours daily without rest, and didn't allow them breakfast on Sundays. Practitioners who couldn't finish their quotas on time were forced to work until 2 a.m.

On December 16, 2010, Qin Jianhui dragged practitioner Mr. Li Tanzhu to the “special unit.” When the instructor saw Mr. Li, he cursed him. Practitioner Mr. Cheng Wendong witnessed his actions and said, “Stop cursing. If you have a concern, let's sit down and discuss it together.” Simply due to Mr. Cheng's remarks, Ge Qingxi took him and Mr. Li Tanzhu to his office and beat them with a rubber truncheon.

2. Corporeal Punishment, Beatings, and Electric Shock Treatment

On May 21, 2007, Ge severely beat practitioner Mr. Zhang Jinsheng.

On September 19, 2008, Ge Qingxi, Wang Zhiming, You Yufang and Liu Shiqiang took Mr. Li Wanqing, a newly-admitted practitioner from Wuqiao to the fifth floor then kept beating him with a rubber truncheon. Mr. Li was tortured for six hours, losing consciousness five times. Ge Qingxi was worried about Mr. Li's condition, but You Yufang said, “Don't worry! I have a way to wake him up and make him write the guarantee statements.”

Torture Reenactment: Electric Shock Treatment

On the morning of March 12, 2008, practitioner Mr. Ma Xiuyuan told everyone that he would nullify the guarantee statement which he'd previously written renouncing Falun Gong. Inmates Wang and Li then pulled him to the counselor's office and started kicking, punching and slapping him. Instructor Wang Zhiming and captain Ge Qingxi shocked him on the chest, back and waist with their electric batons, and struck his thighs with their rubber truncheons for over three hours, resulting in multiple injuries.

From October 1, 2007 to February 5, 2008, Ge and Wang had beaten and used electric shock treatment on practitioners Mr. Li Qiusheng and Mr. Xu Kai for over four months. Ge and Wang also forced them to stand for extended durations and didn't allow them to take breaks. Ge and Wang also subjected them to sleep deprivation for over 40 days and nights.

On the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Ge ordered instructors Liu Lei and Liu Shiqiang to shock Mr. Li Qiusheng with four electric batons until they ran out of power. They forced Mr. Li to sit on the floor with his legs straight, then pushed his back until his head reached his knees. Mr. Li was in such extreme pain that he passed out. Practitioner Mr. Liu Kai was also severely tortured.

3. Adding Insult to Injury

During the CCP's 17th Congress, Ge Qingxi ordered Wang Hongjun and three other inmates to beat practitioner Mr. Wang Jingjun, causing him to vomit blood. Mr. Wang couldn't walk well and suffered from osteonecrosis (the death of bone tissue). Mr. Wang reported his being tortured to Ge, who not only didn't care, but yelled at him.

At the time of the CCP's 17th Congress, Mr. Ma Xiuyuan told inmates that he would continue practicing Falun Gong, but as a result, Ge Qingxi and several inmates beat him, resulting in severe injuries.

At 4:40 p.m. on October 15, 2007, instructor Jia Xuedong beat Mr. Li Jingjun while inside a storage room with Ren Lianshan guarding the door. Ge was on duty for the 5 p.m. dinner call. Mr. Li Jingjun clutched his chest with his right hand and couldn't speak. Several instructors intimidated Mr. Li and yelled, “Hands down!” Ge turned a blind eye to the inmates' actions. Later, Mr. Li was beaten by Jia Xuedong (the instructor who didn't allow Mr. Li to use the bathroom). Mr. Li vomited blood, and was unable to use one leg due to the severe beating. He was later taken back to the labor camp's special unit.

Ge didn't spare the elderly practitioners who were in poor health. On September 17, 2008, he ordered Hao Changjiang to torture them by forcing them to do push ups while making them clamp a leaf between their knees. They were punished if the leaf dropped. Some of these practitioners were at least 70 years old, had hypertension, poor circulation or heart problems, yet Ge insisted on torturing them.

During the past 14 years, Handan Forced Labor Camp guards have completely lost their conscience under the CCP's control. Under the banner of “transforming” practitioners, captain Ge Qingxi, instructor Wang Zhiming, criminals Gao Fei and Zuo Tao repeatedly tortured practitioners. Practitioners are continuously monitored by this group of criminals with bad intent. They restricted practitioners' personal freedom, and deprived them of their rights to talk with each other or move around. Practitioners have to report to them, even to use the bathroom.

In fact, we have merely exposed the tip of the iceberg of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the Handan Forced Labor Camp, where they are being tortured at this very moment.