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Fa-Study Group Participants Experience Extraordinary Miracles

May 06, 2013 |   By a Fa-Study group from Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) We hold our group Fa-study at Practitioner A's home. Before the group was set up, her husband who is nearly 90 years old was very ill and bedridden. However, after we began to study the Fa at their home, he could walk up and down the stairs. He is very supportive of Dafa, as his wife is a practitioner. He often told practitioners, "With me being here, don't be afraid. I support Falun Dafa. Even if the Chinese Communist Party were to send people over here, I would not be afraid. No matter how many you are, you are more than welcome to come to my home." He received good fortune because he was righteous in his support of Dafa and practitioners.

One day when Practitioner A went out to clarify the facts, she was illegally arrested and taken to a police station, where she was handcuffed. A police officer said to her, "Don't you practice Falun Gong? If you can get out of the handcuffs yourself, then you can go home." Practitioner A thought to herself, "Our home is a Fa-study site, I cannot stay here." So she asked for Teacher's help, while trying to pull her hands out of the cuffs. After a short while, she managed to get free. She stood up and was ready to go. This police officer said, "Why are you leaving?" She replied, "Didn't you say that if I could get out of the handcuffs, I could leave?" The officer was speechless. He scribbled something in his notebook and let her go home.

Practitioner B's son, a non-practitioner, works in a chemical factory, where he has to wear a face mask, hat, boots, and long-sleeve gloves for safety reasons. On February 23, 2013, a tank suddenly fell on his head and the chemical (which was like sulfuric acid) poured into his gloves and boots. The pain was so intense that he began shouting, "Hurry, hurry! Help me, help me!"

He quickly took off his clothes and told his co-workers to pour water over him. At the hospital, Practitioner B saw that the flesh on her son's legs and hands had already peeled off, and his bones were exposed. He was in so much pain that he shouted in pain. Practitioner B was not panicked at all. She told him, "Please ask for Teacher's help. Recite sincerely in your heart, 'Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!" Practitioner B was clear that this accident was not something a human being could fix, because it was so severe that only Teacher could save her son.

After she got home, she knelt down in front of Teacher's portrait to beg Teacher that her son not feel any pain and for him to recover. Her granddaughter also believes in Dafa, and she also asked, "Teacher, please help my dad!" Sure enough, the pain stopped. A month later, his skin had fully healed. When the doctor saw it, he said, "This is truly amazing!"

On August 25, 2012, Practitioner B's son-in-law had gone to his hometown to pick up his daughter and grandson, when his car drove into and under a truck. The front and top of the car were completely destroyed, and the windshield was broken. However, the five people sitting inside the car were all safe and sound. When a police officer saw the wreck, he said, "This is truly a miracle. I have never seen a wreck like this without anyone being hurt."

Everyone in the car had had a Dafa amulet on them. Her son-in-law recites, "Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful" before he drives out every day. The people in the car all understood that it was because they believed in Dafa that they had this good fortune. Since the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong, even though Practitioner B has been arrested and persecuted many times, she would never give up cultivation. Last year, there were rare Udumbara flower blossoming on her ceiling, her fridge, and other places.

During the time when Dafa was persecuted the most severely, Practitioner C went to clarify the facts to her old neighbors. Because they had been deeply deceived by the CCP, they couldn't accept what she had to say. Even so, she didn't give up, and after a while, she went to talk to them again. They didn't open the door for her, saying that whoever she was looking for was not there. She still didn't give up, thinking about how they were her neighbors in this lifetime, so they must have a strong predestined relationship – they could have been family members in other lives.

A few years later, during the 2009 Chinese New Year, Practitioner C went to call on them again. They let her in, and she saw the husband in bed with layers upon layers of clothes covering him. He couldn't walk. She learned that he had developed heart disease and had to be hospitalized twice a year. Each time, it cost them over 10,000 yuan. His wife said that taking care of him took up all of her time. Even when her daughter was having a baby, she couldn't give her a hand at all. As a result, her daughter developed some kind of health problem. As she was relating this, she had tears in her eyes and was very sad.

Practitioner C said to the husband, "Please do what I am going to tell you to do, and you will recover. Then you'll be able to go to Beijing to visit your daughter.

"First, quit the evil CCP with all due sincerity;

"Second, you need to realize that the persecution of Falun Gong is wrong, Falun Gong teaches people to follow Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, so you can see that Falun Gong has done nothing wrong. The CCP staged the self-immolation incident just to defame Falun Gong.

"Third, you need to remember, by heart, 'Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful.' Recite this every day and as often as you can. When you say it, you must be sincere. If you just do it for the sake of doing it, it doesn't help."

She then gave him a Dafa amulet. This time, the husband was glad to accept it and agreed to quit the CCP. His wife has also withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

A month later, when Practitioner C went to visit her neighbor, both of them had smiles on their faces. The husband had a lot of strength in his voice and was in good spirits. Practitioner C gave them a Shen Yun DVD and asked them to watch it carefully and repeatedly, telling them that it would bring them good fortune. They said that they'd watch it right after their afternoon nap.

The following year, during the Chinese New Year when Practitioner C went to see them again, her neighbor told her that both of them had bought airline tickets to visit their daughter in Beijing! Practitioner C wished them sincere happiness.

Practitioner D had breast cancer, and the hospital had sent her home to die. In 2008, her situation deteriorated and she had pus running non-stop from her breast. She was also seldom conscious. Her family members thought it was the end, so that they began to prepare for her funeral. When Practitioner D was conscious, she told her family that she only believed in Teacher and Dafa: "If you want me to survive, please do not take me to the hospital. Find my fellow practitioners to come help me." Soon practitioners came to her home to send forth righteous thoughts and to help her eliminate the interference. Ten days later, she could get up and take a shower by herself. A month later, her wound had healed. When her family saw it, they were truly convinced by the miraculousness of Dafa, and they were very grateful to Teacher and Dafa.

This year, a practitioner suggested that on Chinese New Year's eve, the Fa-study group should study the Fa, do the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. We all thought this was a very good idea. On New Year's eve, we got together to study the Fa, do the exercises, and share with one another until dawn. We were all alert, and no one felt sleepy at all. One practitioner's celestial eye was open, and she saw that in the Fa-study room, many Buddhas and Daos came to watch us studying the Fa and doing the exercises. We all showed our respect to Teacher. Another practitioner saw a colorful large Falun spinning inside the room. All of us were very excited and felt very honored.

Those of us in our Fa-study group have experienced many miraculous occurrences. These are just a few of them. What we have shared demonstrates the extraordinary nature of Dafa and Teacher's saving grace. We will continue to follow Teacher to save more sentient beings and accomplish our great prehistoric vows.