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People in China Who Have Learned the Truth about the Persecution Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday (31 Greetings) (Images)

May 14, 2013 |  


People in China Who Have Learned the Truth about the Persecution Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the 21st Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public! Respectfully Wishing Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings sent in from:

a person named Liu from Linqing City, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province

a person in Dawu County, Hubei Province whose son and daughter are practitioners. He wrote in his greetings, “I'm grateful because they are good people taught by you. I've see from them that Falun Dafa is great. I want to cultivate in your Dafa, too, and follow Master to return home.”

people from Chenzhou, Hunan Province; Kaijiang County;

an elderly woman in a village in Xiangcheng, Henan Province. Her 45-year-old son suffered from sudden stroke this March, and was in a coma for more than two weeks in a hospital. Doctors said there was no cure for his condition. “My daughter-in-law and I were shocked at the news. Following the advice of my son's friend, a Falun Gong practitioner, we sincerely recited 'Falun Dafa is good' daily, my son's condition improved day by day, and he gradually became conscious, and could walk with help. Our whole family is grateful to Master Li for saving my son's life!”

a retired person from Shandou, Guangdong Province

people working in the judicial system in Henan Province

staff from a law firm in Shandong Province

employees in a private enterprise in China

a group of demobilized soldiers who have learned the truth

a practitioner's non-practitioner family members in Ningyang County, Shandong Province

officials in the judicial system in Shandong Province

officers in active service in the Nanjing Military Region

citizens from Jinan City

faculty in Qufu Normal University in Shandong Province

staff working in life insurance industry in Shandong Province who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations

retired officials from Shandong Iron and Steel Group

employee at Shandong Iron and Steel Group

people working in the judicial system in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province

a general manager, along with the staff of an enterprise in Beidaihe

editorial staff members who have withdrawn from the CCP organizations

retired officers from the public security agencies

people working in the government of Zhangye City

industrial and commercial administrative staff

Navy technical staff of an institute

railway public security officers

people in the judicial system in Heze City

a practitioner's father and son in the Nankai District, Tianjin

a person who has withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations

The original Minghui.org report linked to at the bottom of this page features 31 cards and greetings. A selection of them is presented here.