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Taiwan: Practitioners Hold Grand Parade to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, Wish Master Li a Happy Birthday (Photos)

May 11, 2013 |   By Sun Bo and Su Rong

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Pingtung, southern Taiwan, held a grand parade on May 4, 2013, to celebrate the upcoming World Falun Dafa Day. May 13 will mark the 21st anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public, as well as the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice.

Through their vibrant colors, cheerful smiles and peaceful demeanor, practitioners shared the beauty of Falun Dafa with the people of the world. They expressed heartfelt birthday greetings and thanked Master Li for bringing them tremendous improvements in health and well-being.




Practitioners in Pingtung, Taiwan, march in a parade to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Members of the Divine Land Marching Band demonstrate the five Falun Dafa exercises.

Young practitioners dressed as beautiful celestial maidens with lotus flowers in their hands.

Practitioners from all walks of life participated in the parade. Many wore yellow shirts with the words “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” printed on them, carrying a variety of banners to celebrate the occasion.

The Divine Land Marching Band led the proceedings, followed by an enormous model of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. Young practitioners dressed as beautiful celestial maidens, with lotus flowers in their hands, enchanted the audience with their warm radiance, and a group of practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises to the public.




Passersby ask for information about Falun Dafa.

All along the parade route, practitioners spread the cheer by giving out handmade paper lotus flowers and informational materials about Falun Dafa to the spectators.

School Principal Applies Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at Work

Mr. Yang Chiu-nan’s whole family practice Falun Dafa.

Mr. Yang Chiu-nan is a principal at Ligang Elementary School. He became a Dafa practitioner in 2002.

He said: “I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at work. I was able to solve a lot of problems this way. I used to constantly take medicine because of bad health. Not anymore. My wife is the accounting director at the Public Health Administration. She is busier than me. The pressure we had from work made us fight a lot. After we both became practitioners, we became considerate and were willing to look within and find our own problems. Now we are happier than ever.”

Retired Doctor Healthier than Ever

Mr. Chang Chi-Fa, in his late 70s.

Mr. Chang Chi-Fa was a doctor for over 30 years before he retired. He is almost 80 years old, but is very healthy. His whole family practices Falun Dafa.

Mr. Chang's sister-in-law recently developed liver cancer. He and his wife read five chapters of Zhuan Falun with her every day. In about 20 days, the tumor shrank tremendously. Her doctor was amazed.

Insurance Company Manager: “I Became a Better Person”

Mr. and Mrs. Wang have benefited greatly from practicing Falun Dafa in work and life.

Mr. Wang is a general director of an insurance company, and his wife works for the same company. They both practice Falun Dafa.

Mrs. Wang said happily: “I became a better person after I began to practice Falun Dafa. The principles [Dafa's teachings] helped me greatly at work. I also gradually changed the attitudes of my coworkers, and now they can serve the customers more sincerely and honestly.”

Retired Banker Grateful for Falun Dafa

Retired banker Mr. Chiu Wen-Chi.

Mr. Chiu Wen-Chi is a retired banker. Before he started practicing Falun Dafa, he had to socialize a lot with customers. He drank and smoked heavily. The first time he did the Dafa exercises, he felt like cigarette smoke was coming out of his head. Right then, he decided to quit smoking. Soon, all of his bad habits were gone.

Now Mr. Chiu has a rosy complexion and is healthy and kind. His whole family practices Falun Dafa, too.

Kindergarten Owner: “I am Very Energetic and Clearheaded”

Ms. Bai Yu-mei and Mr. Chen Sheng-Li, both members of the Divine Land Marching Band.

Mr. Chen Sheng-li is a retired government official. He plays the saxophone in the Divine Land Marching Band, which is composed of Falun Dafa practitioners. His wife, Ms. Bai Yu-Mei, who owns a kindergarten, plays the trombone in the band.

The couple partake in the World Falun Dafa Day celebrations every year to mark Master’s birthday. Their family of five are all practitioners. Ms. Bai said that her whole family is very healthy because of the practice and that they have been able to resolve conflicts very quickly by following the principles of Falun Dafa.

“If there were more people practicing Falun Dafa, society would be more peaceful and government and companies would operate more efficiently. People would become kind and considerate,” said Mr. Chen.

Ms. Bai's work at the kindergarten is tedious and complex. Sometimes she feels a lot of pressure from the children, parents, employees, and government regulations. “I do the Dafa exercises every day to relieve pressure and fatigue. As a result, I am very energetic and clearheaded,” said Ms. Bai.

Art Teacher: “I Feel Joyous From Inside and Look Young Outside”

Retired art teacher Ms. Chu Mei-niang.

Ms. Chu Mei-niang is 64, but many say she looks like she is in her 40s. She’s a retired art teacher and has practiced Falun Dafa for almost 14 years.

Ms. Chu said: “I am so blessed to have learned the practice. I don’t mind hard work and always wear a smile. I feel joyous from inside and look young outside. I have less wrinkles without using any cosmetics.”

On this wonderful day, Ms. Chu sincerely thanked Master Li: “Master did not take any money from us, but gave us so much. He treats everyone kindly and never says anything harsh. I am honored to be a practitioner. Thank you, Master!”