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Turkey: “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Art Exhibition Held in Istanbul (Photos)

April 28, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) To commemorate the 14th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal and to have more people learn about Falun Gong and the 14-year persecution in China, practitioners from Istanbul held a 7-day “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Art Exhibition at the Yunus Emre Culture Center. The exhibition drew large numbers of visitors and was very well received.


The exhibition hall at the Yunus Emre Culture Center in Istanbul.

Viewers take in the exhibition.

'土耳其妇孺皆知的著名舞台表演艺术家、导演、剧作家Haldun Dormen先生,参观完美展后,在呼吁制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的征签簿上签名'
Mr. Haldun Dormen, a well-known actor, director and writer in Turkey, signs a petition calling for an end to the persecution.

'土耳其家喻户晓的著名电影、电视剧及话剧表演艺术家üstün Asutay先生(右), 参观完画展后,对法轮功学员在中国所遭受的迫害表示了极大地同情,并在呼吁制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的征签簿上签名'
Mr. Üstün Asutay, a well-known actor in Turkey, expressed his respect and sympathy to Falun Gong practitioners under persecution in China. He also signed the petition.

'伊斯坦布尔市原副市长Kamer Diriba先生对中共迫害法轮功的暴行进行了严厉的谴责,并在呼吁制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的征签簿上签名'
Mr. Kamer Diriba, the former vice mayor of Istanbul, condemned the persecution and added his name to the petition.

'退休前曾任伊斯坦布尔市首席大法官、著名律师?zzet Do?an先生,在美展留言簿上赞美法轮功学员和平、理性反迫害的精神,谴责中共的暴行'
Mr. Zzet Doan, a prominent lawyer and judge in Istanbul, praised practitioners for their peaceful resistance against the persecution.

Two retired judges sign the petition in support of Falun Gong.

'伊斯坦布尔跨国律师事务所知名大律师Mesut Bu?dayc?先生说,中共对法轮功学员的迫害已经构成了反人类罪行和群体灭绝罪,他郑重地在呼吁制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的征签簿上签了名'
Mr. Mesut Budayc, a well-known lawyer in Istanbul, condemned the persecution, and signed the petition, calling for the end to the Chinese Communist Party's crimes of organ harvesting from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners.

'歌剧表演艺术家、画家,曾多次举办过个人画展的Cemil ?zf?rat先生,在呼吁制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行的征签簿上签名后,对美展作品的艺术家们表示了极大的钦佩,同时,对精湛写实的作品赞不绝口'
Mr. Cemil Zfrat, a prominent artist, signed the petition and praised the artworks.




People view the artworks while listening to guides explain the subject matter. Many people were shocked by the brutality of the persecution in China.

Many people were interested in learning Falun Gong. A number of visitors bought the book Zhuan Falun.

Practitioners taught the Falun Gong exercises every day from 1 to 2 pm. Many people learned the exercises over the course of the 7-day exhibition.