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Healthy Man Becomes High-risk Patient, Medical Parole Denied

February 28, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Wang Guangwei, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Pingdu, Shandong Province, was illegally sentenced to five and a half years in prison by the Pingdu Court in September 2012. Because the Pingdu Detention Center would not accept Mr. Wang, who suffered from very high blood pressure after being arrested, the Pingdu Police Department was unable to transfer him there. His family asked for medical parole, but neither the detention center or the court would take responsibility for releasing Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang Guangwei

Ms. Sun Suling

Officer Wang Zhoujian and others from the Landi Police Station arrested Mr. Wang and his wife, Ms. Sun Suling, on March 14, 2012, and searched their home. Earlier in the day, Qiao Xianpeng, a clerk in Majiaxibu Village, Landi Town, reported the couple to the police while they were putting up Shen Yun posters. Shen Yun is a performance featuring classical Chinese dance and promotes traditional Chinese culture.

That night, officer Liu Jie of the Pingdu Police Department tortured Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was taken to the Pingdu Detention Center on the afternoon of March 15. Ms. Sun was released on bail.

On July 13, 2012, the Pingdu Procuratorate charged Mr. Wang with “Using a cult to undermine law enforcement.” The original court date was set for July 27 at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Wang's family hired two defense lawyers from Beijing. The family sent out letters to many of the local residents and invited them to attend the court hearing. The Pingdu 610 Office made the court postpone the court date, while threatening to arrest anyone who showed up for the hearing. In addition, they said that the trial would take place after they had arrested Ms. Sun.

Agents from the Pingdu 610 Office and officers from the Pingdu Police Department, including Liu Jie, arrested Ms. Sun while she was packing peanuts in her yard after 5:00 p.m. on September 19, 2012. She disobeyed their order not to resist the arrest and was beaten by Liu Jie. Ms. Sun has been detained at the Qingdao Detention Center (formerly Dashan Detention Center) for almost five months.

The Pingdu Court tried Mr. Wang on September 4, 2012, without notifying his defense lawyers. Judge Liu Jianguo sentenced Mr. Wang to a five and a half-year term. The Pingdu Police Department took Mr. Wang twice to the Jinan Men's Prison. The prison rejected him because his blood pressure was too high, which classified him as a high-risk patient. Instead of releasing him, the Pingdu Detention Center subjected Mr. Li to forced labor peeling peppers from 6:00 a.m. to midnight every day. As a result, Mr. Wang became unstable while walking, and all of his fingers became raw and were wrapped with tape.

Mr. Wang Guangwei's elder brother was wheeling their mother on their way to visit Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang's family is worried. His mother is over eighty years old and has been paralyzed for forty years. The family took her to the detention center on January 30, 2013, in a wheelchair. The guards turned them away. The older lady cried, “I miss my son. I haven't seen him in almost a year. What crime did my son commit? My son is filial, and willing to care for me. I have pain all over my body and I can hardly move. Yet my son stays at home and cares for me. Please have pity on an elderly mother.” The family's tears and persistence finally touched the guards and they let the family visit Mr. Wang. The mother fainted three times from crying during the half hour visit. She cried continuously even after they left the detention center. Mr. Wang's son and niece were also crying.

When the family asked that Mr. Wang receive medical parole, the guards said there was no need for any concern. The head of the detention center then said that he was not in charge, and the family had to ask the court. When the family talked to the court, the court said they needed to ask the detention center to submit an application.

Mother kept crying after the visit.

Mr. Wang was in good health before he was incarcerated. In the past he did not have high blood pressure, yet now he is a high-risk patient forced to work extremely long hours daily. What he has suffered at the detention center is unknown.

His son is a sophomore at Zhejiang University. He is on winter vacation and has been living at home alone. He misses his parents and worries about next semester's tuition and living expenses.

Persons involved in the persecution of Mr. Wang and Ms. Sun:

Liu Jianguo, judge of Pingdu Court: +86-13969632777 (Cell)
Fu Yanjun, prosecutor of Pingdu Procuratorate: +86-15066293178 (Cell)
Qiao Xianpeng, reporter and clerk of Majiaxibu Village, Landi Town, Pingdu: +86-15966939896
Sui Fangzhong, director of Pingdu Detention Center: +86-13953252222
Du Renzheng, political instructor of Pingdu Detention Center: +86-13963912516
Yu Naijiang, secretary of Pingdu Politics and Law Committee: +86-532-88315018 (Office), +86-13963949998 (Cell)
Zhang Jinrong, director of Pingdu 610 Office: +86-13953216049 (Cell)