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Mr. Yang Jiangwei Severely Persecuted at Nanguanling Prison

February 26, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Yang Jiangwei, a resident of Suizhong County, Huludao City, was arrested soon after he got married in 2008. He was then later sentenced to ten years in prison. On May 8, 2012, he was transferred from Panjin Prison to No. 10 Ward of the No. 2 Division of Nanguanling Prison, Dalian, where he was subjected to forced brainwashing and tortured by various means. For three days and three nights, he was deprived of sleep. When the guards forced him stand next to an electric heater, his hip was burned and an ulcer developed.

For the next few months, his wife, sister and father traveled 100 miles to Nanguanling Prison every Thursday (visiting day) to visit him. However, each time, with all kinds of excuses, their request was rejected by the guards. On August 29, 2012, his sister went there and was not allowed to see him. At the end of October, his father, in his seventies, checked into a hotel close to the prison and went to the prison early in the next morning. He waited at the visitor's room till 10:30 a.m. One guard who claimed to be the person in charge of Mr. Yang Jiangwei came out and said that because of Mr. Yang's emotional instability, no one was allowed to visit him. The father had to leave alone, helplessly.

On December 6, 2012, his father and wife went to the prison again but were again denied. The family is very worried about him.

Mr. Yang was previously an employee of an electric power department. He worked hard and did whatever he was asked to do. He was a key person at his workplace. Since 1999, he has been arrested many times. He was sent to the Huludao Forced Labor Camp to serve a forced labor term. In 2005, as a result of persecution, he was on the brink of death at the labor camp. Within a month after he got married in February 2008, he was again arrested at home and sentenced to ten years in prison. In the past ten plus years of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong, he has only been at home for two holidays. During the rest of the time, he has been detained in prison.

We hope that people worldwide are able to lend a helping hand so Yang Jiangwei can reunite with his family members as soon as possible.