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Falun Dafa Practitioners from Mainland China Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year (28 Items)

February 12, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the following areas respectfully wish revered Master happy Chinese New Year!

Hebei Province: Dingzhou, Dongguan County, Pingxiang, county side of Shijiazhuang, Shenze, Yanshan County
Heilongjiang Province: Anda
Henan Province: Biyang City
Hunan Province: Hengyang
Jiangsu Province: Lianyungang
Jilin Province: Songyuan, Yushu city
Liaoning Province: Fushun, Wusi Road and Commerce Bureau in Dalian
Shandong Province: Laizhou, Penglai
Shanxi Province: Wutai
Sichuan Province: A Fa study group for elder practitioners in Meishan, Renshou
Tianjin: Tanggu